Oakville Images

Oakville Record-Star, 16 Sep 1943, p. 1

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___. Oakville, Ontario, Titipeday, Sept. 16, 1948 Ao ~ Post: War oaitrntiet Plans ~ Proceeding, Mayor Deans States Milton Publisher Dies | In 77th Year John W. Blight, o: one of Santcatel? old residents, died last Thursday. in the Hamiltoh General Hospital, af- Former Resident 7 ‘Dr. A. M. Drgukart, a former Oakville boy, the son of the late Dr. Urquhart, has recently been: pro- Started Before Council Ree For = Summer ar. In Black Bass New Record Set ‘|ter a-short illness. He was born in | with®Witlam Panton 60 years ago} - mbted to the rank of Major i in the HCAM.C. —In the first Great War le served with the Royal Field Aritllery and Trafalgar 77 years ngo. Starting as a printer, Mr. Blight had made Walter Miller has set a new goal for local ~fishermen to shoot at. On Sunday he caught two Mayor F. Mi Deans Deans informed the |° ae _- members of the Counell, at the first } meeting held since June, that dor- ing the council's recess he had’ been procecding with plans to formulate) ack bass with frogs, near the post-war nstruction activities ‘Colborne Street bridge. One of for the ipality. ~~ | “them measured 15 inches and the other 16 inches and their weights were 2 Ibs. 1 oz. and ** Some months before the Coun- * ceil recessed for the summer you ex- pressed ‘yourselves’ as favouring) 2 Tbs. 4 ozs. some planned post-war coustruction It's up to Benny Thornton work in the Town. to top this. ‘*During the summer I contacted the Department of Municipal Af- fairs and suggested that we be per- == omitted to. create a surplus. for this purpose, and although the Depart- ment was unable to make any def- inite statement, I believe that they i will be only too happy to co-oper- ate,’’ Mayor Deans said, t * Chief Kerr Elected a f 2nd Vice-President — For tine yeurs Oakville’s Chief of Police, David Kerr, has been a member of the Ontario Police Assoc: | i .» ation and for all of those sear to reper ae years he has been a member of the jt resentatives of the Board ab Favesteneeutive. ation, the Water & Light Commis- sion, the Parks Board and other in- terested ¢itizens to discuss the pro- ject. “The Council ig going ahead with a survey of the sewage system. The Water & Light Commission is mak- ing a survey of its lines and mains. We know that no unnecessary work can be started now but apparently some citizens are not as well infor- coil ened should be.” ‘ and Mrs. W. Beekléy from Sgt. Sid rom the proposed meeting one /Horslin, in North Africa, member from ench Board would con- HO41n4 ; Sgt. 8. Horslin stitute a cchtral committee, which spin. B Gov, No. , ere Mires a ch Sent Can. Army, B.N,A.F. ad ~ August 19, “When that committee arrived at Dear Friends: ria Seg p-———-ddefinite-suggestions—they-would apt ys y gow tne to” ter -you"kniw annual convention in Guelph, he was elected to the offiee of sec ond | vice-president in recognition of the | service he has rendered, Sgt. Horslin Meets Local Boys | In Africa’ The Aaa See is a letter to Mr. | 1 @.ALA.D,, 143 'Canadian Champion from Mr. Pan- jdistriets, The captains are: je. Cond, Mr. J. A. M. printing his life work. Sixteen years ago he and F. L. White entered in- to partnership and purchased the ton in July, 1927..Mr. Blight con- tinued to work on the paper until two weeks—age.- Tle was treasurer, of St. Paul's United Church, Mil- ton. He was a member of the town fire brigade for many years, & base- ball fan und a lawn bowler. Survi- ving is his wife. ‘ . Was a prisoner-of-war for 9 months. He again enlisted in June 1940 with the R.C.A.M.C, and was attached to the Highland Light Infantry while they were stationed at Stratford. Iter he was transferred to Ottawa aud then served oversens for 27 months, “Major Urquhart recently returned to Canada ond sat present is with the Military Hospital at London, Ontario. Navy. League Tag Day (On September 24tt ye Plans are nearing completion for the canvass and tag day, being sponsored by the White Oak and the Navy Laaeee, on rents 24 nd 25, a 1-1 week at the Association ‘| The executive and members hend-|™ ed by the eammittee chairman, Mra. R. Ostrom and vice- chairmen, | Mrs. W. M. Copeland and Mrs, Max} | Wryadham, and secretary, Mrs, Mor | ley Keegan, are hard at work on) ithe finn! arrangements far the ean- ass and earnestly appeal for YOUR so nerous "aie port in this, peceska ry ‘war Sentember 24th at 9.30 a.m., the peaptains and their assistants in charge of the various “zones of-the town, will be eglling at every home in Oakvil’e and nearby garrunding Bell, et 0, Gibson, J, W. Crashlev, Mrs, W, Mrs. Dane MaeKendrick, Mrs. S. Tvard, Mrs. BE. EL Delaney, Min. ! C.F: Wendham, Mra. FL OH. Chit holm, Mr«. Oey Deans, Mrs. BR. Davi in, Mra. mfort VO Chisholm and | GIVE GENEROUSLY! 4th and 25th tow torp igo C. Wyndler. ‘Lady Baillie, assisted by the Be ts, Mra. W. P. Jebb and Mra. ne | Angela Bruce 1.0.D.E, Chapters for M. Heddle and Base. members of will! se to the 2 Bt. Jude's Parish Hall . the iisaentete Mrs. W. B. (Risrrap and Mrs. A. FP. Tilley will ing charge of the, returis. | The ogy assistants will bo the girls who are acting as “block captains’, tagging on Seni » Street on Bat- urday, Sept. 25tW The taggers are being oh reaet by Miss Jo-Anne Copeland and captains are: Misses Bejisv Green, Marjorie Jebb, Nancy Chisholm, Grace-dean Lamb Nancy Hnrt . Urauhart Curtis is taking chitge of the Saturday tagging when the captains and their teams will be collecting from 9 a.m, until 8.30 pm. Approximately 150 of Onakville’s Tires! young men are serving in the | the executive, - Navy nnd a few of our girls, with| names belong added from day to gay. | The éxtent of vour support deter. mines their co cameras ‘hefore. the eounell,. whieh) if yoo i agree andthe —Tam:in ae 1 t a naar 8 Si sea the beste? health. dt-sure--is- dot appeal to the Depa n down. here and lots of sand, but all , mission | prea sie, apie - in the hoys wre in high spirits: The Sioa nee deta Mayor Arabs are a very peculiar people rao ards ; land they eal! us all ** Johnnie,” j ane are abies Pct one We ore very fortunate being on that the Ligaibteh bel See: ‘able te get lots of fruit and we Governmenta shoud “hear T5H% of eaiinye\ fra Nwiti <in-the—seas- the rot of the projects. hiner t another Oakville bow iast week, Pointing out that the ‘tax rate’ Jinhy: Stead aud-Reg has been reduced from 48 to 38 mills Phew ‘wo Th tnet, tie Damle, plonship event reeognized meh Holstein Show ——Final Band Concert. In Oakville October 8th An anndunecement hax just nade by the Molstein-Friesiam As socintion of Ontario that the Cham- 4 leer for this section of he Province will be held tn the Sunday Afternoon — Phituighoat she: the summer the Oakville Citizens’ Band has de- lighted the people of the com- munity with a series of open air concerts. On Sunday afternoon, Sept- Five New Teachers in Staff Of Oakville Schools: ‘Come On, Gardeners Equal This One! - John A. Holsey, Colborne St.,.West, has produced a Hub- bard squash weighing 3814 Ibs and measuring 48 inches in circumference. Can you equal this dainty — - little morsel. Sports Association Has Good Season Activities of the Oakville Amat- eur Sports Association were review- ed and plains for the future discus- sed at a mecting held in the Coun- cil Chambers on Friday evening The final games of the softhall ‘are in progress and 125 players have ). | constituted the various teams which have participnted during the s#eas- on. Large crowds have enjoyed the games and have contributed gene®™ ously to the Association's funds, In appreciation of the support given, the Association will hold a | Property Is Improved During Summer Holidays Five new tetichera were engaged by the Board of Education during the summer, — necording 40 reports submitted at the meeting of the Boark on-Tucsday evening. Miss Irma I. Pasel has joined the High Schodl staff and Miss Gladys Philp, Miss Ruth McNabb, Estelle Schaefer and Miss May the Public School staffs. Miss Thelma Skoog was appoit- ted assistant principal at the Cen- tral School. Under the supervision of Mr. W. J. H. Bray, seven rooms were re- decorated, the exterior woodwork of Central School painted and the brick work of the High School repnired. Mr. Archibald, principal of, the High School stated that durihy’ his 19 years at the school the building had néver been in such good con- dition ax it is to-day. The principals of the other schools expressed their pleasure at the bright cheerincss of the class rooms, Mr. Shipley congratulated Trus- teo Bray on the splendid eontribut- |free datiece for plavers and fans in the near future. A committee was appointed to in- vestigate the possibility of securing jion he has made in supervising fle property of the Board of Education. School Attendance The registration at the Public and \@ suitable floor epnee for operating | Schools shows a decrense of 14 from ite earpetball Jengue during the fall|last year. This term’s roll is 527 and winter months, and last year’s 541, distributed as | . * . The report on the annual field follows: Central 216, Westwood 161, ad proved the popularity of the, event as the teams participating | ‘from out of town were enthusinstic ‘and indicated their intention of re- turning. They have expressed the laptatoi that. the event conld be made an outstanding one in Provin- -}clal-sports. The not proceeds of thes ey: 00, ee Brantwood 150, Due to the fact that 3rd, 4th and Sth forms of the High School do not open nntil Toesday, jPeptember Slat, the attendance fig- ‘ures are not available but it is ox- | pected they will substantially @x-* eeed those of last vear. | A grant_of ¢ for the —purchaso—of permanent equip 40,00 was made day were in the neighbourhood of iment for sports activities at the [righ Senoot. — Peel Council Asked Dissolution Of Joint House Of Refuge Want Peel And Halton To Operate Lt. “Pete” Thompson \ sinec the Council ossomed officer High lan SEbeee Are: Huth. looking oa | = three years ago, Mavor Deans sug- |, Es ; A] UnerAlle aurpsiny ON eddie ainhic? ape es oe ee eee Separately Prisoner-Of-Wa oe A that — pet noltve shonld he jes - ; chr Sth. Four of these regional ehamyp its final concert of the season UES r : My % : Pass Tie tara “Ti ship eve fis ate bene nent in rhe in Lakeside Park -at-3- pa ee lee Ane ate pls saan Laks och lately jind PT Nope you wre Provines, unmely ut Kemyptville ; ss . abort. RSROR TOE MAN OI Werte Reported missing on Angust war reeonstruction snd rehabilitat- Goth in dhe boRoan: Neatth. : rae eat ae : seein re . Last Surday they gave a Couture! was held Milton last 19th following action in Sicil- jon. Wells Diantat aie offfoae shel 4 ie : Hae i ae ta concert for the patients of the Tuesdir. jan waters, Lieut. ~‘Pete’’ ’ f = <i Hi at tte wKVilie, show te Tape = = “ ‘ eos Congratulated paper isn’t very big, so cheerio and | situate rom. the Af seri Bieeces Military Convalescent Hospital | teaver Jolin Blair, representing Pansies ~etond pesca ans A letter from the Genera) Man- eee ereat danke en SSR NE PRENATAL aati and a large number of citizens / +). Howse of Refuge reported that * ; is ie shete informant ager af the Bank of Terante emi- Sinieoe, York, VPeol, Wel'tigtei, Is t : t ion, is now a prisoner-of-war in ater ier get aes ‘ Lee Yours. Ae reeiid ss Bpatitic Noshalic- Balai were also present, » his eommittee had been tinsiecoss Germany Be 2 aut Te dyer nod sss stb. Roa Watiicd eh date Se ae La Shick ful in securing additional Jand for This relatively good news is Sais Srenrrieeenmeart dn _ Lo deta More ae a: samc Poe Alias afoltutien autho rer welcomed by the entire com- Manic ite’s fiannelal position, Wel a will FonmypH te for the d Pai wtite Arenson far the sto ik ay “ £5 1 - de 4 sta Se ‘ } i saitie s yes u 7 = é a a ‘ mw pure tiie OL Winitit Tt ogee “ Tisnonal System Damaged partinent of Health is coming te pionships. If is expected that 150 This will be a splendid opportu } i gE u : iy i} An eye wifflcss account or fF : s : ae pet . ranted nat the Sat meetin af 4 Pa : ihe conneitior Pitehtieh infurmedt advise us on the problem? he said. head of entitle will mee af te Gate for alb lovers of high climes osteed Ps ante Bs is Ahaiccan pe ees says that = Need "1 Pee Cy (betel ena Ys ville show. Loen! mingernieuts ate beth urban wink rit, 1 valle tt seetinoen or sEo ROL ye eho on the He Council that the se WAR Hisrinsal Work is “ony us ; ti a i at ni : leek ah eat Rb woes Tet tee Con Sar Habon Ttalian maint; Tieut : ststem af the frot of Nuve Street Tuhidtiys that Mie watk-of repartee rma Ueber Laue, Tet sine tne Baad tee ik Hal tosrcthoc did lant Thompson's motos pedo boat rietiioe!) serious damage from ing the pier liad been chueellod we the: Hatton County Holstein ‘Shaw. er CT Goadhue, — notet. Holst re W id; | ‘i ' Sisk ' ‘s ae 9 rear of the bridge, The ship (hs oo tet tabe sentir vil store squashed and t sterend 4 Aw éording. to the offielals af the ludge from Ravmomuinle Farns, : “ ea ve Hs : ' + tp burst into flames and burned ano SOAs} . ay" sn } nil tet | tree i “The xtristum t< badly winders the Councillors thatthe delay was [lott Chih, —eoinitiis—a—H Cae —Wneber nil he “the urtins aut dudadga ane ut ak ins t “ep two hours, when it explod: A sivlerel caly ee the om tor meee and i? ldoks aw though the doe to the diffienite In seeuring | — = shay ii smh 3 ‘i tannic ‘i res ie i * ch Vital eae the ited Aeres - - main part will) geadwaliy, go inte certaln equiprnent bat woth be ; “she ME AD Tee eT Satine . Sane al a Tee at wn needa” | Christaas Parcels For Oversene ne Crawford- Wainer en rae oars = = oe ek ta thi hij ih arises : t $15-000-- Mt Hatatrturrnice ror An pretty —-wedilites-wiis-satemidze| Mr. aad Mrs Feaik Fcccine Sheuld Be Mailed By November: Ist 2 3% tte reer re es . hed ated: hiv tlie asics of Hefure vould afterneon, when Martha Marie Wai Celebrate Gold n W ddin Ear ly Mailing Will and: without misleading nblreyint : contin ta berented Hier was Rats San ERIEr Me chord at ak € € g A Th bl ions. Be sure to place return ad- nething to worry about, aan pAond natal boa aoa eae oH ssure eir : ‘ : Nzaits ‘itt ro of . Alfred Litingstone Crawford, Delive dress on coer - also include ia slip Reeve Gilbert, representing the MI 1d : : ‘ i fi s. Lamuel Cray SNIDERS t | Married - ey London Ty s the sale pa sender's Me Halton anid Age sasvetoaes Aid Sor vans Sarre Mrs. Tamu , . dress as we os pddress of parec!, ety, reporter that no definite stenes “ee sae - =" +e will have 4 mur . > 7 Came To Canada Christoma-boxes will ha Z 4 - : Prepay all mail correctly. lave as vet been taken towards 4 Rev. E. B. Eddy, minister of St. Locals and Personals In 1906 longer distanee to travel, entailing f : John’s United: Churc} “forme! Ren Mrs.> Harvey Denn —entertnined more handling and. reshipment to Use strong corrugated eontain- Bioatleti of ie ae societies ‘i sate : oy or De Sebo} i i a . on . ¥ ne cOremony fgniist a setting of the members ‘Sof Wesale Churels zt at iewinoiente * Canndate ©) NOT light eardhowrid haxe "A, hot titen—nned eh AT enna ange “x | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herring ecle-|reacth many amembers of Candas thick of the Board of the Children's Aid Dink» and white gladioli and ferns. W.MeS. at their September meeting. “hrated After the worship service conducted sunday, by the president, Rev. Mf, Lovering | told of events on his recent holiday, “grandchildren were home for the oe- Rev. Dr. J. -€. Coehrane, former- casion and* throughout the day a Iv superintendent of liome missions | host of friends called to extent for Northern Ontario for the Uni- their congratulations. ted Chureh, will he the special min- The home was filled with flow- ister at Wesley Church for the an- ers, the gifts of those who joined in oi ‘niversary service which will be held wishing the bride and groom of 50 5. years ago, continued) happiness. on Sunday morning only, Sept. 25. Miss Phyllis Fish began her dut- Mra. Herring was formerly Mary ‘Anne Masters and she and Mr, Her- . ee as teacher on the staff of Tor- onto Public Schools last week. She Time were married in London, Eng- has been assigned Grade 5 at Kew land in 1803, Beach School. | They eame to Canada in 1906 and r z moved to Oakville in 1930. Mr, Her- Mise Minnie Pickering, who has ring was emploved by the A & P their golden wedding on Their three children and three been staying with relatives in - Stores, lat into business f Btreetsville and Vietoria Square, jy nip tis sae Aiea a ~has-returned. - Seed z October Fighting Services this year. To ett able. all the women overseas to Gifts from home in time for Christ- Dominions men gad receive their max Day, the Postmaster General, Hon William P. Mulock, KC. M.LP., calls on the pubtie to Mail nat | Farly for Christmas Overseas - later than November Ist. The date ix 10 days earlier than last year’s closing time, but with, many of our men serving in the Mediterranean areas, ete., the dend- line has been advanced to meet the rapidly changing conditions. The public are eautioned to lose, no time to Mail Early for Christ- mus Overseas now and during - the earlier the better to enkare the time'y arrival of the navuviousiv awaited gift. The more ties), material Apples, grapes, cte., wrap incseveral Javers of anid tie Do net use paper for ribbons to tie, wrapping paper, securely with strong cord. Christmas tissue ping, or coloured Parcela may he sewn in strong eot- ton or similar fabric. fanev Wrst pt Jams, syrups and any other stth- stance likely to leak and spread, if | sent at all, must be e¢nelosed in! sealed containers, (not glass bot-; surrounded with ahsorbent| in corrugated cardboard, and securely wrapped and tiled, A completed Customs Declaration, form ‘ghould be affixed to every parcel. or any artic’e likely to spoil or become damaged, or to injure Postal personnel, or the mails are not acceptable. The mailing of MATCHES, The wedding music was played by Society Inst August, Mr. Gilbort Said he had told the Board that Hal- Miss L, M. MeBain and Mrs Rob lton County Council was quite satix- tt Hollingsworth, Hamilton, sang. ified with ther stood wt present bat if Peel County ‘wished for a dissolution, that of course was ¢utirely up to’ them, Fol flowing the mecting of the Board, jPeel County Council had gassed a lresolution to the effect that the (Children’s Aid Society of Halton ) jand Poel be dissolved and that sep- larate organizations be set up in) jench county."But no action had thus jfar been taken, Members of Halton! (County Couneil expressed a doubt as ito whether such action would be al- lowed by authorities at this time. Some discussion arose when Reeve Arrangements its | | SAFETY-| May, Esquesing, said he had heen opposed to the idea. Given in marriage the bride wore a pown of antique ivory satin made on Vieterian lines fashioned with draped skirt au slight train. Her full-length, em- broidered ndibveil was arranged from a fan-shaped headdress and she car- ried a easeade bouquet of gladioli, (Continued on Page 3) by her father, bodice aiid loug graieefal extending into was suggested. Members from the northern end of the County agree that deer weté undoubtedly on the increase. The Warden, however, ex- pressed himself as betng very much Mr. Gilbert Two of their three chi'dren, Mrs; | The first grandchild of Mr. and H. P. Hinton and William David Mrs. Roy Fish arrived on the 29th Herring, live in Toronto and Ronald anniversary of their wedding, Sept. Frank is in Sonia with his fath- Oth. et cha er, distant our Forves may be from MATCHES and LIGHTER FLUID asked to place a request before the thought that fox-lunting was more Canada, the earlier thelr Christmas or any any other INFLAMMABLE mail should be sent. ‘substance is strictly prohibited by Address all mails IN INK, clearly ae ||Couneil that an open © season for deer hunting be allowed in Halton 1 County this fall. Three or four days, necessary than deer. No action was os

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