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Oakville Record-Star, 10 Aug 1944, p. 4

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Page 4 RD-STAR Thursday, Aug. 10, 1944. Classifiea Advertisements All Classified Advt’s. are cash with order. Advt’s. taken by tele- phone will not appear if not paid for by 5.80 Wednesday prev- jous to publication. Please Report Promptly LOST OR FOUND ANIMALS to Oakville Humane Society Phone 515 Lost and Injured Ammals Humanely Treated F a TO LOAN ; I Mive a considerable sum of money available for first mortgage loans on Oakville residential prop- erties at lowest rates. _ N. ROBINSON, E<., Oakville, Ont, FOR SALE FOR SALE — Cord wood. All kinds cut any length. Apply Gordon ‘Bartholomew, E.R. 1 Oakville. Tel, Oakville 281'W2, piste line Brand?’ 50 ins. by 24 ins, Good as new. Phone evenings 1064, 58p20-31 ist, FOR SALE — Happy Thought * cou! yrange with water front. Tele- phone 40, 25ps2 FOR SALE — Chesterfield suite and congoleum, Apply 23 William Street. 25 p32 FOR SALE — Registered young | Jersey cow, due now, Apply Gordian Robinson, Telephone S$8R21 Milton, k. R. 4, che POR SALE Junior or Miss dress, size 16, Brown background white print flowers, new, Ocat $9, will sell for #4. Phone 885, 39p3° FOR SALE — Lawn mower, 100 feet of hose, wing chair, Yinen cov- ered, beige and brown, Miss Jarvis, 114 Douglas Ave. $5e32 FOR SALE — Happy Thought eoal range, round diningroom table. Telephone 272, 2hps2 FOR SALE Meffat 650 con- sole gas range, 4 years old, colour ivory, Apply Mrs, Geo. P. Hall, Spruce St, P.O. box 546, Telephone a41W 5032 FOR SALE - Cheap, In good condition. Telephone 902. 501 FOR SALE Man's bicyele, ix eh: will 6x newly reconditioned, or ‘ ange for lady's bievele. 5 Wilson, Telephone 112W. 232 Man’s bicyele, 88 Ohurch St, ” POR SALE recentiv overladied. FOR RENT YO RENT — One double, cheery furnished bedaitting room, suitable for two gentlemen or ladies, (War workers). Apply §3 Ohureh St. 50p32-34 HELP WANTED WANTED — Saleslady, perman: ent position for General Dry Goods wore in Oakville. Apply Selective Serviee Office, 151 Sixth Street, New Toronto. 70p 28-31 “WANTED — Woman one day weekly for laundry work, Call Oak- ville 78. 50132 PART TIME MAN OF WOMAN WANTED — For establislted Wat- kins route of steady customers, Must. be honest and reliable, have fravel oulfit “or means of getting _ No capital or experience req: vpived. Write The J, R, Watkins Company, Dept, 0-0-5A, 2177 Mas- fon Street, Mottrea), 132-33 im air furnnee, |! \ YOU NEED Po = TO FEEL = Al! / } f 0 4) Au yacdsor's iBREAD-ROLLS AND SWEETGOODS GIVE YOU EXTRA VITAMIN Ba HELP WANTED — Charwoman, two days weekly, Telephone 974W, Mrs. Wilson, 20 Allan St. 50p32-34 WANTED Daily in private home, evening meals for father and son 16, Phone 885, 2op32 WANTED — Carpenter to build shelving; regular or spare time, @ark’s Drugs, Oakville, 2me82 LOST PALERMO (Continued From Page Mr, and Mrs, LeRoy Bronte were guests on Sund the home of Mr. and Mre, George 4 Fox. i Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cowan, Mr. and Mrs, Ira Cowan and Mre, Wil- liam Cowan ~ attended a birthday party in Waterdown on Sunday in honour of Mrs. Rebert Twise, * . * * * * : . * * * * * PTE. WALLA The ftiends im this community of Mr: and Mrs. Cameron Pickering WANTED — Senal) shed suitable for a.dozen hens, Phone Cooksville 18R2. 2532 WANTED TO BUY — Howse in or near Oakville, Apply McCay, 1725 Dufferin St., Toronto, LOST — Spectacles with plastic frames. Kindly telephone Oakville 818, Reward, Sieps2 WANTED WANTED — Dead horses and cattle. For free pick-up phone Mil- ton 210 or Cooksville 105M. We pay phone charges, Gordon Young Limited, phone AD. 3636 Toronto. 1c3-52 WANTED All kinds -of live poultry, Ab- solutely highest. prices paid, We call for ‘th oose and duck feathers wanted, also old feather ticks. Phone Jas. Turner; Pakville 980, or phone Stan. Wood, Bronte 25r2, or write Moses Zener, 402 Dovercourt Rd., Toronto. 38-1945 WANTED TO RENT Any time after Sept. Ist, small house between Oakville and Bronte, ished or partly furnished. Conver: fences and garage required, he suitable for winter. Apply Box fl, Bronte, Ont, Lengthen the very life of your car by giving it For 25 yearn Crown deslen heve been sepplying motor- ists with dependable pr service... Jerry’s Garage Telephone 6 Church St., Oakville Keep the Apples on the Trees @ Parmone prevents pre-harvest drop—keeps the fruit on the trees—allows it to develop, ripen, colour. It lengthens the pickin i shortage. season—important in ne 4 oz. bottle of PARMONE Concentrate these days of Jabour makes 100 gallons of spray. The effect is noticeable with- in a day of two of cient. Order plication. One application is usuall ONE from your local C-I- suffi Dealer. Spray on first signs of pre-harvest dropping. Ash your dealer for FREE booklet on bow to spray with PARMONE * Other C-+L CRYOLITE SULFORON = | PERENOX™ ‘Bluestone Leod Artenate Poris Green specialties NICOTINE SULPHATE 405% Calci Artencte CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED Fertilizer Division HALIFAX » MONTREAL « TORONTO «© CHATHEIE, ONT. « WINWIPED © NEW WESTMINSTER, BC. i 1.18p82-35 | WANTED TO BUY — Fiat bot- tom rowboat. Not necessarily sea- worthy. Telephone 996W, or write P.O. box 944. 27p32 ot|? and family, whe removed to Port Credit a year ago, were saddened to Jearn that their son, Pte. Wal- e C, Pickering, aged 20 -yenrs, bad been killed in action in ‘France on July Sth, He was with the in- vasion on D-Day and his parents received several letters from him from France, He was a native of Snider's, at tended Snider’s Public school and Oakville High Sehoo), and member of Wesley Church. time he was on Abe staff of the Royal Bank, Port Credit and later was transferred to Wiarton ‘branch, where he enlisted in January 1943, "|Pte, Pickering trained at Brantford and Camp Borden and went seas in Dec, 1942, Surviving ides his parents are two eisters, Mrs. John <A. Russel] (Bileen) and Miss Shirley; and_one brother, LIC Donglas, at Camp Bér den” A memoria! service will be held at Wesley Church in the near future, Locals and Personals Mrs, John <A, Russell Pickering), Port Credit, ved word that her husband, Cp). Russell, has been wounded in France, and is recovering. Mr. Rus- sell lived for several years at Sni- der’s and is well-known in this over- (Eileen has recei WANTED — Will pay cash for coach or sedan in good condition, Not older than 1934, Apply Box 347 Record-Star. 30e32 WANT TO PURCHASE about acre site, few trees; with or with- out summer type small cottage; high location ¢lose Oakville. Box 346 Record-Star. fllea2 HOME WANTED .— For thor oughbred golden brindle Great Dane Registered Oanadian Kennel Club, Oakville Humane Telephone 515. Sodlety. 20 /e82 Must Must | | | 1 WANTED — Bird cuge. be in good condition. Phone 471J4 Oakville, L5pss J His parents live in Grenfell, Sask, ! Mra, John R, and Peter, t the home of Rae and sons, John have a Mrs. Rae's mother, Mrs. G. Bentley and other relatives, have returned to their home in Sault Ste. Marie, The sudden death of Mrs, Lilhan Webb Howell, prominent soloist. of Toronto, was heard with regret by members of Wesley Church, At the concerts following the annual fow) suppers which were held a few years ago, Lilian Webb was a fav- ourite soloist on the program. Mr. D. Stanley Turner, and Mr, _--Lotne_.Fish-.at- tended the funeral of the Mate C. TY. Carson in Oakville on Saturday. TRAFALGAR (Continued From Page 1) ill for several weeks, The service at Munn’s Church has been withdrawn for Sunday, August 20th, to allow the members to attend the morning service of their neighbouring. church, Knox Church, Sixteen, which is celebrat- ing its ¢entenary, Miss Shirf®y Pickering, Port Credit, was the guest the early part of the week of her cousin, Mre, H. Cullingham, Mrs, A. A, Biggar, who has been suffering .from.._selatica _for two weeks, is slowly improving. Miss Hernice Pickering is holiday- ing at the home of her aunt, Mra Stanicy Barnstaple, Brampton. §0 hoy Say * HER HEAD SWAM “ . »,. in delight at having come to Oakville Drug Store. Drop in te- day and you'll find out why! yItle THE OAK DRUG CO. LTD. PHONE 94- LEN HOPE MGR: Dancing 9 to 12. DANCE VICTORIA HALL, OAKVILLE Saturday, August 12, 1944 RHYTHM RASCALS ORCHESTRA Admission 50c. TO PREVENT WAGES Controlled prices, wages, orofits mean security =i —-NOW AND DEFLATION... Soon all would break through . . And stability would go all fo pieces WE CAN ALL HELP BY SUPPORTING CONTROLS “« a OVER PRICES, WAGES, RENTS AND PROFITS INFLATION PRICES costs, aad ANDY, EVen ? BE 7. THAD , oan 000 To eee Rasp tCEs : ANKR yp Snes CEMEy DOWN Co. MORE CONS Tey ~SSkey*- ry STS » Necpy MERS PRICES PROFITS * Dp fLarrot Eco, $4Ry Ow pp 0 ¥ INFLATION ~, WITH CEILINGS on SHO FOR STABILY T COVERNMENT OF CANADA, . *USIHp . TY Is FAVOURA R. U Buy, FUTURE ENEATH,

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