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Oakville Record-Star, 10 Aug 1944, p. 3

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Thursday, Aug. 10,1944, 0 * . vist ~ THE OAKVILLE | TAR . 2 Miss Diane Halmes, of Loddow,| Mr, and Mrs, William Hill are Local, Personal, Social hax been visiting her cousins Mr, /spending a week af their cottage at ! —————— Frincis McHale and child-| Mré ©. F. MaeKeizic ddd son, py, and Mew, M, E. Linaa and ddy and Cynthia, are holi- Lieut."W, E. MacKenzie, spent 4 Mr and Mra. Noel Fleming, and LAW |Turkey Point on Lake Erie lay at North Bay ‘wo weeks’ vacation at Tracy Lodge,), = ssn _— “eas pio Capit, A. W. Baillie, who sorved|Barbara Fleming has returned to Vi... ee a Lake Wat-Wash Kesh, mane in Sicily and Italy with the 48th her datios at Brantford after two} Dr. and Mrs, E. P. Soanes and C Jim Parker, pilot, B.C.A.F., tion in Chicago, Highlanders, has returned for dut- weeks’ leave. family have returned from a vac-|was home on week-end leave from fey in Ounada, gtion in Maskoka and the Georgian| Three Rivers, Quebec, — fae ee Mr. and Mra, Howard Hoover, of|Ray District, f Sten y onan oc Selkirk, are visiting Mr, and Mra. i Mr -and Mrs. V. HH. Barrev aod ¥ | : Miss Laura Greet is§6=s visiting) V. H..Burrey, LAG B v Ps ie: aie ai family spent a weeks’ vacation | Mrs, Kenneth —Chisholm—at—-Muak-}—— CAT VDE SRC MIEN a ke beave nein S _AOMS _ Lydaiting-in—varlousparta of “south: |) — | : ; a t oko Beach. : Peas Hoe ies ee ; two Weeks’ leave prior to leavin, {ope : . ae Vv The Ladies" Auxiliary, Canadian for Prinee Edward Istand for:train- |"*" Ontario, , i i t Vv Legion, ia holding a Euchre on}),, fod. Lieut, Nott Dankiew is home |Tuesday gvening,. August “15th, at LA’. John Rvark: RC.A.F., has on leave, 4 afeloek, Come and bring a friend. d v oh aaa heen posted to Tuft'a Cove, Nova v Sa Vv Mist Doria McCarthy, who es Acotia, ca birt 2 Selec ets ne < i “ t li a ith r J Rev, and Mra. J. A. M, Bell and Mr: and Mra, Carle Davis have been spending her holidays wit Vie Spi me : : aS her mother in) Fredericton, N. B., family “have returned from holiday: returned from a vacation at Lion's |<. progressing favourably after a ing at Stoney Lake. Head, serlous illness in the Victoria Pub-| In Memoriam | fo the people of Oakville and District we Sen ere ned Mr, Alfred Hughes. and family 1 a lie Hospital. DRUG % 7 ORE wuh ts. Ehank theirofrienda | ate af A = ma | Sas 3 z poielybopre for their many kindness- You would de more return 1 for us to expand our work on De- ies and floral tributes during ET (ae dat Rene anks sibicad would Ul Ww oy Saree : HOLI DAYS ff ecernt_borwavement ee eee See ey half of the kiddies and the want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your generous support of our Car- nival. You have made it possible — O°ROURKE - fa loving ae q CARD OF THANKS [if sloe sbeerote os, Bl (Rourke, wh eft us so sudde Ree er community. : ; - . i © miss you sill, our jeams \ os = e to the ae of as and voile of | aed ea We-also wish to exptess our ereat appiec- gi@ng our employees a well-earned vacation, | Me ce fatOn OF The sesislance ao chusmalic ane the Drug Stores enumerated below will close | Four loving smile, your cheery | Sar pe ira as a ee = for the period of one week between the dates | a cat tage Dy CN OeTs of the Firemen, the mentioned below. iP a ee a fea cee Legion, the Rotary Club, and num- eee S pRuG ergak Be Unele Ray (overseas), cies erous individuals. | ; I and little (omsins, ones | paiement Closed AUGUST 21st to August 27th Inclusive | Is Memorian th. 338 : amperes rst aes Che Lions Club of Oakville OAKVILLE DRUG COMPANY LIMITED | abba dolar = In sree: sat Hy Closed August 28th to September 4th Inclusive | Oa Aue. O Ia aged oD years NE we 1 || A shadow rests upon aur a a _———— ——+>S>!S = —__—____— CLARK’S DRUG. STORE =! We: min your eee seal Closed Sept. 11th to Sept. 17th Inclusive’, | aa : (oe... SHAW BROTHERS = x | Taken ao quickly, why should During the closing of any one of the above |} ayaa ne ga Rea mentioned stores, prescriptions and all other Regulator is Our Billy who meant so mpeh 50 Builders and Contractors services will be carried on by the other two | ita ain ne ata Wan stores remaining open. Ce DR. CHASE’S der | eTepe WE THANK YOU FOR@YOUR KIND | AAPAMAG PILLS Bae Ceti nt ene WE SOLICIT YOUR WORK AND eee ON LIVER Bee Sunk ced weviass. sa] GUARANTEE SATISFACTION ember by Mune and De aciea| Phone 138 [Ais P.O. Box 391, Oailcville ———— ~ ST. JOHN'S UNITED | CHURCH == = ALKYLATE BUT “Baay. | i — ORGANIC Rev. E. B. Eddy, a BD | i DAVIS and DOTY oR doe srs Mr. teven Fell, Choir Leader | LUMBER and PLANING MILL Oniintst | SOLE AGENTS FOR one i Brantford OpHne = Canada Cement Men, Womeri Over 40 F Bret San ea ee ees Feel Weak, Worn, Old? | * Bruce Hardwood Flooring | Salant Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality 7 i Dundas St. North, Oakville, North of C. N. R. | berry bare cia | PHONE 76 — Nights 53 | | |) 4.) is LESS NERVE STRAIN Better Vision Less EYE FATIGUE | synthetic rubber, and gasoline for war _ they need every gallon they can get. " industry, farming and essential cruck- ‘Two full years of gasoline rationing ing all have been taken from Canada’s ahd fuel oil control in Canada have oil supply — # doesn't leave a lot for saved 393,000,000 gallons of gasoline _ the civilian! and 175 million gallons of fuel oil—a Figure it out for yourself. Ir takes total saving of 568,000,000 gallons of 1} Bel ‘ : . Christian Science : : \ Increafe Your Efficiency For Strenuous Times Ahead GASOLINE ; att ¢ Nerve cxitiustion eaused by Defeetive operation of the Eras, \ Society of Oakville : resulling een me 4 haat: Blanks a Ga * | ts : sifauaches, prs Sto ar 8) OY DUNDAS & RANDAL STS. |: | geneyal “feeljng of Fatigue, and in many cases aComplete Ne: CO) Shi voge Breakgown,eannot be cured with Drugs. EYESTRAIN is Sunday Morning Service and + 719: alwaya/accompanied with poor vision. In many cases Vision Ease Sunday School at 11 o'clock : ig quite wood, DO NOT BE MISLED-BY THIS { lt Qoesut leave alot tor the Giriltan ; THINGS THAT ARE OPTEN MISSED yn 45 i are perhaps the most important of all, WHEN PRESCRIBING silat A csedtade Bt ot Cees isour practice to see that NOTHING IS MISSED : : : . . . “ " i iy LEPT OUT that would add to the EFFICIENCY an ss EN war demands have been to exercise the strictest economy in LOVE i SORT uF nae Nos ab at ines os wee tals : : Bisa ee filled... when invasion gasoline, gasdline or fuel oil usage. Every gallon Ss : OS SSRANa Rk: Sch drereey festa odie ate toate aviation gasoline, Navy fuel oil, petro- we can do without here at home ts one ereabinas Setting a pak RESULTS : Jeum for the manufacture of explosives, gallgn more for the fighting mea. And | (aaa “hid. Ath AWadieeneys) 100% VISION iz Onty a few are fortuna y this high standard of Vision, but many others could have 100 EFFICIENT AND COMFORT- ABLE VISION with PROPERLY PRESCRIBED correcting len- so4. Ours is a lens treatment for defective vision; our service is Including ‘Testimonies of Healing through Christian Science You are cordially invited ta attend the services and. +0 make use of the available to am “an-atford to pay. i Jo aR. Byers: Phm. B. i i i lic Reading Room | 5,250,000. gallons of gasoline to fuel petroleum products. Yet, despite this Free Pub | 5,000 bombers and fighters for a saving, gasoline stocks on hand in open Tossdays 3.30 to-S ee i OPTOMETRIST OAKVILLE, ONT. mission over Germany. It takesenough Canada, as of March 31st, this year, despa BIDE“ Sit AUER EF) —_— oil for one fueling of a battleship to were 55,000,000 gallons less than at heat an average house for 350 years. It the commencement of rationing, April : pa rehased, and periodicals | takes 18,000 gallons of gascline tokeep —1, 1942. | aubscribad for. | one armoured division on the move for Oil has a mighty war job to do—yet h peeeetecsceecctesssesosssssesssaes=: | G REG 0 RY TH EATRE one hour. supplies are short and are constantly S 2! From petroleum and petroleum dwindling. Oil powers the attack on j AIR-CONDITIONED . gases we obtain the gasoline and fuels —_ every front. Oil can mean the difference j | needed to power planes and ships and _— between oo a Ard faite between i “tanks as well as the raw material for light casualty lists an ‘ acetone, ammonia and toluol for ex- _—heavy. Oil is vical SRS ! e- ovo | Thursday, Friday & Saturday, Aug. 10, 11, 12 plosives, organic chemicals for an- tion — not to be wasted, nor 1 | - : aesthetics, naphthas forcamouflage _to be needlessly, frivolously 1 TABLE | MIRACLE OF MORGAN'S CREEK paints end plastics aod resins for war SPENT pane || Hilarious comedy with Eddie Bracken, Betty z weapons production, i OINTMENT ii + Pitch ata : This is why civilian gasoline is short. j 'f| Hutton. This is why it’s up to ev motorist, . ; : z ~ : = s * Sotto | to every Sana Sea abhested tiaese, Answering _Your Highly effective for Burns 4) /) Service Special — ““‘Women At War. ; - i Cuts, Insect Bites, Eczema, z : - 54 . ecseons ca the , ae oe : | Cartoon — “Fighting 69!.. Fox News. - Gasoline Shortage pan iy: 4 eee reer a Spel Ee \ Chapt. — “Daredevils 2 Wes 4 YLIAN GAS What ere Canada’s total yearly re- i t ape Il 7 Daredevils Of The West. L655 Me quirements of motor gasoline? ... i i Approximately 800,000,000 gal-’ | | WS lons. Dore Aisfocstacedti oat € i] : ; 4 : fo cov oll wmailit and-civilt, | t . - MEA ae ivese by tomuot tbls if PIN } || Monday, Tuesday & Wednes., Aug. 14, 15, 16 | supply be increased? . .. Because | IN r | “ Sa total hemispheric supplies are in- | ““ ” j TOLL, WG eanieets to cet both che eel | : ; THIS IS THE ARMY : awili ie * mnie - 3: ” “ hate te Horebodeh oll, there #c op rears i Irving Berlin’s grand musieal with Joan Les- GA. not Na ener: collage sobs , i eC Murnl : much of Canada’s petroleum needs ai le, George DLUrpny. S is supplied felis rp tells? j ; r : r pny .+. Only 7% Why can't this bare . FOR THE FORCE: Production be increnied? very 4 D U N N S 4.) Canada Carries On — “Zeeo Hour.” : 3 x effort is being made to do so, More in| RE s An enaountement issued-by new. wells are being drilled or pre- eae DRUG STO : : i pared for drilling, than at any time - 7 ndavs toe Friday The Department of Munitions and Supply, ie the hinisey oa Seiad Polisi : Phone 650 Shows at 7.30 and 9.80 Mondays to Fridays. Saturdays Honourable C, D, Howe, Minister but we have yet to find a sew ; \™@ and holidays 15 minutes earlier. Saturday matinee at 2.29. a : Turner Valley. War docs not wait ; for new production. | .% MS~44X" : Z

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