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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 7 Sep 1950, p. 3

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guy hy dri, at 11.15 am. and the Rev. Major I x i John Forth, will preach at g|hear from. those desiring confir- From 5.30 to 8.30 p.m. i p.m. After the evening service |mation. ® Sundays & Holidays 1.00 to 8.30 p.m. Hn 7-1 = = David Pelletterlo will give an il. A nursery school for children Closed All Day Monday | imis a Fair lustrated account of his recent|18 montis to three years will be- HH trip to Scotland. Refreshments on on heist Son ar RESERVATIONS i willbe. served! am. Mr. Evans is starting a il NG The--Afternoon branch of the|Probationers class for the boys APPRECIATED ® bi WA. will meet today in the| choir, for which boys are needed: | PHONE 1451 ill OAKVILLE SEPT 15 - 16 Parish Hall, Mr. Evans Is also anxious to hear | : Ll jo The men of the parish have|from men, especially tenors, who : | | made extensive. improvements to| Would be willing tol join the th hurch. Th 1; d'? thelicholr. 1 i i a 4] Mr. Charles Ambler, who Is in | be held on Sunday at 11 na, Tha) ooors fio assist with the cam 0 SECTION {--HOME BAKING subject will be "Substance."|P3EH Het min, hey contagtedijal S I Cl. 1, Loat Home Made Bread, White; Cl. 2, Loaf Home Made [[¥rom the citatiofs = cWaile we ST. JOHN'S Av di 1S i Bread, Brown; CL 3, Fruit Loaf Bread Mixture; CL 4, Date and |[100k not ac the things which are): 'po 00a in again be | | z CL 6. Sven praia | seen. but at the things which are } ! i i 1.8, Seven Bran Muttins; CL 9, Seven Ginger || mot seen: for the things which held commencing this Sunday Hi BIR Cooxics: C1 10, Seven Parker House Rolls; CI 11, Sponge ||are seen are temporal; but the| coming. Last of the union ser 5 | Cake, uniced; Cl 12, Angel Cake, uniced; Cl. 13, Plate of . || things which are not seen are| vices was conducted on 'Sunday i Assorted Fancy Cookies; CL 14, Cake (iced), chocolate layer; [| eternal" II Cor. 4:18 last in Knox Presbyterian church i in i Cherry Pie; Cl. 16, Apple Pie ( not spiced); CI. 17, Rai- The Wednesday evening meet-| bY Rev. C. K. Nicoll fl | 18, Lemon Ple; CL 19, Seven Butter Tarts; CL. 20, : fib ursday, September 7, 1950 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 3 | Cl. 24; Clapp's Favourite (5); Cl. 25, Bartlet; CL Vegetable and Fruit Growers! CASH PRIZES to be won at the COMPETITION and PRIZE LIST sin 1% 1b ne Fudge; Cl. 21, 1% lb. Maple Cream; Cl. 22, Hens' Eggs, Grade A Large, Brown; Cl. 23, Hens' Eggs, Grade A Large, White. PRIZES 1-4. (incl.)--1st: $1.00, 2nd. 75¢, 3rd 50c. 1 t 5 -- i day at her Lakeshore Highway / 1) oy CL ae 50c. dit, will occupy the pulpit this| west residence. Send your youngsters back to school well-equipped with the % CI. 11-18 (incl.)--1st $1.00, 2nd 75¢, 3rd 50c. coming Sunday morning. Born in Garden Island, near tools of learuing . . . top-grade supplies that take a lot of the 1 19-23 (incl.)--I1st 75¢, 2nd 50c, 3rd 25c. SECTION 2--HOME CANNING Cl 1, one pint Canned Strawberries; Cl. 2, one pint Canned Raspberries; _€1. 3, one pint Canned Peaches; Cl. 4, one pint Canned Cherries; CL 5, one ni Canned Pears; Cl. 6, one pint Rev. Charles A. Jay, of Perth|which many U.S. visitors return- Canned Plums (green); CL 7, one pint Canned Plums (blue); || Ave. United Church, will be the|ed annually. SQUIBB DENTAL CREAM 49 Cl 8, one pint Strawberry Jam; CL 9, one pint Raspberry || guest minister at the re-opening She was a member of St. LU l Jam; CL 10, one pint Apple Jelly; Cl 11, one pint Grape Jelly; service on Sunday, Sept. 17. On|John's United Church, where she Cl. 12, one pint Tomato Juice; CL 13, one pint Whole Canned || the following Tuesday, Sept. 19,(was active in the work of the WILDROOT CREAM-OIL Hr 99 , one Tomatoes; Cl. 14, one pint Mixed Pickles, Sweet; CL pint Sweet Cucumber Pickles; Cl. 16, one pint Mustard Pick- les; Cl. 17, one pint Ripe Tomato Chili Sauce. PRIZES 1st $1.00, 2nd 75e, 3rd 50c SECTION 3--FRUIT ' (a) APPLES Cl. 1, Wealthy (5); Cl 2, Snow (5); CL 3, McIntosh (5); ol 2 Greening (5); Cl. 5, Any.Other Variety (5); CL 6, Del 61 DUNN ST. N. OAKVILLE foe | Cl, Courtland (5): C1. 8, Wealthy, 6 at. basket: GL 5, ormal Snow, '6 qt. basket; CL 10, McIntosh, 6 at. basket; Cl. 11, Oily | Greening, 6 at. basket; Cl. 12, Delicious, 6 at. Basket; CL 13, sme Hair i Courtland, 6 at. basket; CL 14, A.O.V. 6 at. basket; CL 15, ' : Wealthy, 1 bushel; Cl. 16, Snow, 1 bushel; CL 17, McIntosh, 1 Quality - The sont T5 il bushel; CI. 18, Greening, 1 bushel; CL 19, Courtland, 1 bushel; Cl. 20, Delicious, 1 bushel; Cl 21, A;0.V., 1 bushel; CL 22, best packed 6 qt. basket, any variety; Cl 23, best packed bushel, any variety. (b) PEARS (correctly named) 26, Anjou; . 27, AO.V. A sale of homemade baking will be held Friday at the home of Mrs. L. Bray. The Afternoon Branch' of the W.A. will meet at the home of Mrs. Aylesworth next Tuesday. ST. LUKE'S, Palermo Harvest Festival services will be held Sunday. A former Rector, the Rev. W. A. Filer, of St. Pet- ers Church, Hamilton, will preach chancel for the choir and repaired the foundations of the Nave. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Seryice and Sunday school will ing at. 8 p.m. will include testl- monies of healing and experience and remarks on Christian Scien- ce. SHERIDAN UNITED Mr. Dudgeon, Port Rev. Cre- Members of the Women's As- sociation will hold their annual bazaar on Wednesday, October 18, it was announced this week. MUNN'S members of the Women's Assoc- the Harmsworth will be the per, at which Party, of Brampton, entertainers. Sunday school will 10.15 am. on Sunday, 10. convene at September ST. JUDE'S Preparation for confirmation will be given in September for juniors, and on Sunday, October 1, following Evensong, for adults. The clergy will be pleased to charge of the one-day canvass for funds slated to take place Sep- tember 24, is seeking more can- Mrs. Powley. Passes Elishia Smythe of Sherman Powley, died Satur- Powley, widow Kingston, Mrs. Powley has been a resident of Oakville for the past forty years. For some 30 years, Mr. and Mrs. Powley operated the Cedarcroft tourist cabins, to W.A. and the W.M.S.; the Golden NANCY CHISHOLM School "of Dancing Rule Chapter O.E.S:; and the four years ago. Funeral services Oak Villa Dining Room Navy Street at Church Serving Delicious Foods class for economy. back-to-school needs. FIRST POINTERS I #:BACK-T0-SCHO Q0L irk out of school work. And these good examples of our Back- To-School SAVINGS' prove that our low, low Come in today for all the right answers to Best Guarantee For your health's sake, you demand only the best when you need the ald of prescrib- ed medicine. And at Rexall prices head the KLEENEX 18C 2 FOR 35C Beautiful Hair BRECK SHAMPOOS Pure, Mild 3 : White Oak Chapter L.O.D.E! were held Tuesday afternoon i 1 1 = CHURCH NEWS = Surviving are two sons, War-|from the S. S. Russell and Son | fl Gardeners! Housewives ! Tl | Toronto, and four grandchildren.| taking place in St. Jude's ceme- I CHURCH of the EPIPHANY *[iation are serving a turkey sup-| Her husband predeceased her | tery. i | (¢) PLUMS (correctly named) Drug you are certain of qual- SHAMPO( it Cl. 28, Blue (10); CL 29, Green (10). ~ ity ingredients--a complete Z | (d) GRAPES (correctly named) stock of pure, fresh, standard soz. 1 69 it Cl. 30, Blue, 3 bunches; Cl. 31, Green,,3 bunches; Cl. 32, Red, strength drugs that are the il 3 bunches. products of Canada's leading | pxagETT & RAMSBEL il PRIZES pharmaceutical houses, care- I 1-7 (incl.)--1st 75c, 2nd 50c, oe Lo fully compounded by experien- HOPALONG | CL 304 nel ) tor 87 00, 2nd T5¢, 3 ced pharmacists. This high CASSIDY | Chingar el 3 Im 5.00, 2m 3. oh a $1.00 standard of quality is your | CL. 1st nd 75c, 3r hal il 1. 23--1st $5.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $1.00 best guarantee of maximum | [irs Castile Soap | Cl. 24-29 (incl)--Ist 75c, 2nd 50c, 3rd 25c. health benefits from your BOX OF -- = i Cl. 30-32 (incl.)--1st $1.00, 2nd 75c, 3rd 50c. prescribed medicine. 4 BARS .89 SECTION 4--VEGETABLES , Cabbage, 2 heads; Cl. 2, Celery, 2 bunches, (green); CI. 3, Celery, 2 bunches (white); Cl. 4, Beets (5); Cl. 5, Onions, Spanish (5); Cl. 6, Potatoes, Cobbler (6); CI. 7, Potatoes, CL li (3); CL 4, Asters (3); CL 5, Oakville Drug Co. Limited Ramndin (8), Cl 8, Popeinss, £0. 10) CL. 9, Cucumbers LEN HOPE, MGR. | [ (2); CL 10, Carrots, Chantenay type (6); CL 11, Carrots, Core- f less type (6); Cl. 12, Tomatoes (5); CL 13, Squash, Hubbard hope 8 Colbornel SLE; | ne type; Cl. 14, Vegetable Marrow; Cl. 15, Pumpkin, Field; CL Hin 16, Pumpkin, small pie type; CL 17, Canteloupe; Cl. 18, Best Sm ih Bs a a la Miss Nancy Chisholm with two of her pupils, Linda Sinclair ---- | i 2 and Donna Sutherland fi ; PRIZES i CL 1-17 (incl.)--1st $1.00, 2nd 75¢c, 3rd 50c. Nancy Chisholm anno 0 ) 3 unces the re-opening of her ad i CL 18--1st $5.00, 2nd $ 3 : i S=m1sti35.008200 152.00, ral 51.00 School of Dancing, classes in Ballet, Toe and Ball- ur o4 § ere. | SECTION 5--FLOWERS room, i fo nations, outdoor (3); CL 2, Roses (3); Cl. 3, Gladio- Registration in each class is limited so th F N t Wi t ; ; Gach 3, E at every i y or iNex inter Chrysanthemums (3); CL 6, pupil may be given careful individual attention. | Li Dahlias (2); CL 7, Tuberous Begonia, potted; Cl. 8, best ar. Ths | | ranged Cenirepiece for diningroom table; Cl. 9, group of 3 teaching methods used are those which lead to en- Hi I Potted Plants; Cl 10, best arranged Mantle Piece, Jjoyment of dancing as a means of self-expression and Mth PRIZES an appreciation of it as an art. The aim of the lessons li Cl 1-7 (inel)--1st $1.00, 2nd T5¢, 3rd 50c. is to develop your child's natural grace and self-con- | | CL8, 9, 10--1st $2.00, 2nd $1.50, 3rd $1.00 fidence. | Miss Chisholm has studied under Mildred Wick- | ! SPECIAL PRIZE LIST son and Boris Volkoff, and is a member of the Can- | adian Dance Teachers' Association. | At the end of th HB Large bottle of Eau de Colonge, Largest Pumpkin, United-Carr by reno» ntl vel he given Fastener Co. of Can, Ltd, donated by Mr, H. T. Roden. show the work accomplished during the year. ) 1st { 510.00, 2nd $5.00--Best ring-packed apples, 5 varieties, JI v2cicd in bushel hamper, separate varieties in each hamper, REGISTRATION onated by Oakville Wood Specialties Ltd. strati; N A i © i i $25.00--Best Ebenezer onion, bag or hamper, donated by A Fomine Ten wl ined ie sidiolat TS Bennie ster sever! fis) bs now Hilt ony Beardmore Dehydrated Limited, 61 Dunn Street N., Oakville, on docks on the river with all the E. F. CARBERRY, Box 192, Oakville a AME (2) 15 qt. straight d al kettl 59 ai on ah cob aluminum kettle for best selection FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER Sth . (b) 15 qt. alumi vi st vari it | d I & S C A me isn ne with rack = for best variety of from 3.30 to 6.00 o'clock © n ustria toker oal | (¢) Aluminum french Fryer and Basket for best selection of Classes will commence the week of the i 1 | potatoes exhibited in 1 bushel hampers. tenia Miss Chisholm invites you to come and talk rh Wen pee ein / | | ) 19" Aluminum Pie Plate, 1 10" Aluminum Pie Plate, 1 9" about the type of work in whi i Hil l | a) ne = = ME for fhe best collection of 3 ested and 4 most sultable SL a at Strikes and Shortages will not affect us as they would hi |] ach, Pumpkin, donate y General Stampings | FUEL OIL and. RAIL SUPPLIES i / | TI Tol pe Son <2 Laetion of Fall flowers, 6 varieties RATES : 11 | E - | shown, donated by Oakville Venetian Blind Laundry Ltd. (Payable In Advance) C F H t&E vid | 0adl For Even rea conom i | : ; Term of Ten Lessons, 7 yrs. and over ....... $8.00 » y | 8 | or Further Information contact Term of Ten Lessons, under 7 yrs. ..). $7.00 Hillmers Fuel and | C it 1 ; or 7 yrs. dL | gi Private Lessons (15, hour) ................ $2.00 ce 0. i Reduction will be made for two or more in one family DUNDAS ST. N. PHONE 23 I TELEPHONE 220 ; -- a Al

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