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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 7 Sep 1950, p. 1

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| Oakville- Trafalgar Journal 3, No. 41 Entered, 2nd Class Mail, Ottawa 'Dakville, Ontario Thursday, September 7, 1950 12 PAGES 5 cents a copy, $2.00 Per Year in Advance >= Ee oe = -- -- -- a A =] I NE IE Or } Bc iE rn EEE Ph el roe cr Fg f * HA clion &o Lindrook Jchool! Trafalgar Jowrshgp Crlarts. Morton and Loans Lilt Samilbon. Onbarro. brook Area Sets Percentage Pace Trim Thorold STRIKING WOODWORKERS As Public School Attendance Soars: tii". STICK TO GUNS, TURNDOWN i LATEST MANAGEMENT OFFER t 2 tory at Wallace park Tuesday -- EE fare iy ht HONOR MEDICO night. It was the first game of an| While members of other union: forme n i 0.B.A. first round playdown, with|in town took picket dut Linbrook area found all class:| around the wonderful new. school th : x SH i e teams playing back 'in Thor 0 v a es = 5 Sr Comics Take Count modern 2 bright Sn choirs, for so many years winners It was a case of seven over-|corn roast Tuesday night on a| The Journal will have to of in Griz p Svaltng = of the cup for oneroom schools come eleven for Bud's boys, thellot on Allan Street. At the same fer doubledips of comics again tunatel at ES in ro Halton, County Music fes- local crew making the most of|time the executives of the union| Next week. Owing to the rail: not umole Co tivals, will have to battle it out seven bingles and Thorold errord| met to discuss a proposal mado| ¥aY strike this week's offar fon nen to seat ne LE in the larger group. But with the to clinch the verdict. Wee Jimmy|by the comp: Wednesday| [ng of Scorchy Smith and Oaky ho will attend the school| basement room available now Johnson was the only Oakville| morning Tim Ely prosident,| Paks and tho others did not pment cin l 7, z But the shipment Is|for the piano, and more practic: hitter ick twi , or to click twice, with Jerry|stated the executive had not| Feach ua In time for publica: y, and until then|ing probably, Linbrook expects to Kaplan, Chic Sale, Jim Scarrow,|looked with favor on the com:| tlon: Two week's comics arrive are sharing the seats|hand up equal records among the Red Redshaw and Wilf Herbert| pany's suggestion. by transport in advance, a0 ble. four-room group. 'Last year there were 69 pupils| In the town, public schools all inthis school, the basement being| reported Teavier registrations jo cope with the over large|than expected. Central had look- This year approximately|ed for 328 pupils, but got a jack: in each room.|pot of 340 registrations. Brant lon hand to greet the pupils| wood was crammed with 349 teachers, Miss| pupils. Last year's figure was 304 es Lush and B. K. Zieman,|so all facilities were taxed to the lor both this school will be| limit. rst venture in the teaching Westwood school registrations ion. have been delayed until this Fri- accounting for one safety aplece.| "The company wanted us to go| Why does the railway strike Herbert, although he was tou-|back to work, but only wunted| effect them? Because they have ched for eleven hits, spread them|the truck drivers to start on| to be cleared through tho cum nicely in all but two frames, the| Wednesday. The remainder of| toms at Fort Erle, and with the second and seventh. A homer by|the force would be back in full] rallway out there were no ahip- Harrison plated a pair in the| production on Monday, they| ments cleared . . . and the second, while the Thorold squad|promised. The question of rates| Journal's comics wore caught pushed, their final run across in|to be referred to a concillation| !0 the backlog of work that had an otherwise uneventful seventh.|board," Mr. Cooper sald, "wae| to be clearad up. So we're aor Wilf racked up no less than 16 felt that'If work was to be st ry you'll have to wait a waok strikeouts and walked none, ap-|ed again, it should be with every-| for your regular comic fare. ' pearing particularly effective| one. starting at once. For In: -- i Use School Bus (Continued on Page 5) DR. JAMES M. MATHER wien the chips were down. His|stance, after a long holiday week- . ipal Muriel Willis and es Director of the Malton Gounty|umponent on the Thorold mound, | ond all emploees 'go back on To X-Ray Hospital | 1S uth Fish, who was on last P le lo Mark ARIE nit has! bean! artifiod Bel rn end craton hans Lin basis. Also, iL the! combany P staff, joined with the new a specialist in public health by y really wanted to get production 1 Ts in expressing great sat opular Loupe Mar Ld Halls of Provontative| [ree passes, and disconsolately | started again, the veener depart atients Upon Entry jn with the teaching plant tH H Medicine and Public Health, it| watches his mates kick in ten|ment would be the most Import a mie Silver Anniversary | Medicine and public Health, it watches Me Ee i Board Now Rules \ School Board was In ses-| Mr. and 'Mrs. Oral Ling, Doug-|ther has been admitted to the ; 1s in production the year round.| Taking of chost x-rays 4 hen the Journal el a las Ave. were at home Monday | founders group which is made up Big Ouiville lnnig Was the wigh the truck drivers back the| puont % lite , tok mal -- that 24 pupils, afternoon and evening on the| of these sertified without exam.| third: when a pair of walks, tWO| company could ship baskets to| Trafalgar Memorial honpltal wan 7 and 8, will be brought occasion of thelr 25th wedding ination as having made a distinct| hits and four miscues combined| the farmers who are around our) authorized at the regular month: to Linbrook school instead| anniversary. Nearly 100 friends| contribution to public health. to fashion five markers. picket lines seelng If they can|)y meeting of the board of gov called to extend their best wish- get delivery of baskets," he ex-|grnors last Thursday nlght. A es to the poular couple, many plained. nominal fee of $1 will be charged El from distant points. Miss Marjor- It was the feeling of the presk| for the service, the board decid: Presiding at the tea table, picket lines at the Dundas Street| advisability of Introducing this which, was centred with Ameri gate, that the company's offer| yatoguurd to staff and patients can Beauty roses and bouvardia OPERATION OF WALLACE was "Trying to pull o fast one.| with the presentation of the J were Mrs. Andrew Lyle, Hamil "Conciliation boards hang on for| gpurational report by Don Stay ' admitteed ton, mother of Mrs. Ling; Mrs L YEAR' END ever," sald Cooper, "The --em:| eng the board learned that an 2 discharged 20| Austin Hewitt, Hamilton, Mrs. PARK UNT ployees can't afford to walt forf operating deflolt for the flest Cases 9| Ling's sister; Mrs. H. G. McKil- 3 y an Incrdase. They need the mon-| flys months amounted to $4,546 : > 19|10p and Mrs. Gordon Post. Those| All rights as to use of wal-jand just won't work We were|ey right away. They can't walt| Ne Stevens explained that over oe OD he toa moom. included | lace park, untll December 31,|asked by the board (0 assume|any longer for ralke" It wah head oxpenss continues at ap nt Cases Mrs. Thomas Mason, Hamilton, | Were granted the Oakville Base-| financial responsibility, yet we| for this reason emplo; went on| proximately the sams level oir «siete vin cies sister of Mrs. Ling: Mrs. William ball Assn. Tuesday night by the| had no control over who used the|strike Immediately, than | whether the hospital is opsrating Sifton, St. Catharines, board of parks management, | park, when, or for how much. Wel applying for a conciliation board,| gi 100 percent capacity or the 61 In Hospital Wednesday on lve. Ray Mathews, Miss| with the understanding that the| were instrumental In Inatalllng|he said. "We are awars that tel porcont averaged during the first 2a Mise. Bertha Gillman, | O-B.A. assume all financial res-| the lights, putting In new grand:| strike fs an [legal one,' he ad| five months "Moving Into tha ay os fhm King. Hamilton | ponsibility for operation and | stands, paying a man weekly (| mitted, but reftorated his con-| naw bullding, and the difficulty maintenance during the od | maintain the infield, and bulld-|tentfon that any delay was In-| of gating together and housing stipulated. Board member James sing room, and we | possible for the employees. "Now| an adequate nursing staff in the Roberts' motion to thls effect|have spent rly $20,000 on the|our cheques for our last wesk of| warly months Imited the degres we have to that could be ser + 1 J carri e yisos tha e| park this year. e v eter Praia 8 tess Entertainment Features|si i vob thd Sele deme xo ws mov 14 ™ conn on rae 1 : | time applied for by other com-|out when we can use the fleld," Vern Dynes felt. that any bus WAlband concert, a vocal and Io Tuer ERE < ii munity organizations, sporting or|Mr. Bull told the board . Inows "would , be bound to loAs 5 tal Progra a model air-|and Mayor James R. Black. The| .. ose "and that the parks| Chairman Basil Megaffin held ins t X money" during the frat six Contest, a 'mammoth par-| ceremonies will follow the arriv-| po to 0 i Ro fie aviott hoes at Wallace park of the color "CArd WAY cancel Le A ih Ran cuncn, op Fioworks) ul Ta SE entenatiy ot and) fstid that such allocation of council had never made any move Eh possibly football a Re inl Aol !| time was not belng carried out In| to alter the board's status In tha e among the ening, ag ; DS i ' ! HLL a manner consistent with the| respect. "We felt It was our re entertainment REL ray park's status as town property. | ponsibility, and acted according gpa for oo i Plan Permanent Set-up ly," he sald, in part fore 10 the second annual|of course be in full swing It was further agreed by the| It wak agreed that all revenyes Invested with the months, and expressed the view the hospital must be regarded, from an operational standpoint, entirsly as belong In a business cntogory. Chaleman Tom Chis holm added that the much smal ler occurrence of illness during | the summer months had further 6 Optimists Fall Fair, en-| On Saturday, the fair opens at|, ..." hai further discussion, | from the park, excepting the use 3 ! : t ej scussion, e park, exce out down the occupation peresnts club publicist Charlie 1 » m, Sith a program ol ni with the view to establishing|of Victoria hall and Victorla rink, 2s pallon; vy ren's races for future oper-| will go to the Oukville Basebull Gonsral consensus was that the for te 0 Tn CE Syne -- ation of Wallace park, should |assn. until the end of the ye : ; Jneall OD) : i it ts hoved| (aio place before the Dec. 81 ex| The parks board also agreed to I introduce Miss Tor-|the scrappy TT 3 ¥85| piry date of the new agreement. | collect rentals for the use of the 1950 as the charming| will be able to run off an exhibl-| ur gqpnitey feel that an ironclad | lighting system from Oukville with Walt Al-| tion contest beginning at 3.30.| 0 pgement should be arrived, at| Orphans and Oakville Optimist 3 The Oakville Citizens Band willl} poo "tne 1951 board takes| club, as the board had previously Optimist clubibe heard In concert sesslon afl yee, This board knows the en-| contracted for letting the park to 730, followed by another vocally. packground of the situation, these organizations. Th fair effort, and we fully|and instrumental concert at 8.30,|,,4 ghould be the one to seek an|als will be turned aver fo the that one move of prime| dancing at 9, a spectacular ftire-| So SUC IR PIE TE 0 ation to] 0.B.A hospital had suffersd sxpectsd owing pulog during its Inktial months of occ cy, and all board members wera optimistic that the operational loss would be substantially reduced during the fall and winter months, when. = hed occupation wis ab Its pank. i wis the rounding out| works display at LL15, and hel iy, "wallace park operation pros es The board also learned steps entertainment program,"| drawing for a big varlety of priz-| yyy,» yr Roberts declared. i are baling taken to bring the the Journal. "We feell es at 1130. Most sought draw blem," Mr. Roberts declare 1 ROARING GOLFERS \ ae nan hat we have succeeded in lining| prize is, 'of course, the one week 0.B.A. Dissatisfied The opening meeting of the / ad y 0 Lop ney. a ules: and better fair, and| trip for two to New York, with| The meeting had been called at|fall and winter season of the Oak: Top IORATOR was reported that mechanical the support and co-|$200 pocket money included the request of Col. R. 0. Bull,|ville Lions club will be held to- difficulties had cut stfielsney in tment sharply, but that B® fair goers, we willl Judging of exhibits will take|parks board member who Is also| night at the golf club. Golfers| Ruddy Whiting who copped | hs will tee of fat 5 pun, to try for| first prize In the Public Speaking B to improve the event as) place on Friday afternoon in or-| president of the baseball group : i La Roman gous. bY: der that early fair visitors will| "The assn. feels that the basis|the Lion Jack Gordon, Golf Tro-| contest at the Oanadlan National a world be promptly Bg ceremonies at 7.30 on|be able to note award winners| under which It has been forced tof phy. There will also be prizes for Exhibition last week Winner (nj Fete levening, Sept. 15, will be|on touring the displays Friday| carry on this summer, In regard| various high and low scores and | the girl's section was from Tor-| Miss Joan Doty was named br Hon. Ray Lawson, evening. to the park, has been Impractical| for 'a hidden hole onto. hospital historlan by the board

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