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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 15 Jul 1948, p. 6

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i 4 Thursday, July 1; Page & THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL 5, 194g sce things that are not present--| About the only outfit that| Imagination: Something - Hypnotism yet he actually sees them. Halu | makes money without advertising [sits up with a woman whey 11x cinations of the sense of smell |is the Mint. husband comes home fate On d are also possible. You may hand 50 m - and - him a hottle of tell him | M 3 he will smell a beautiful perfume, ma E€SIMENISINY ||| ana ne wit inhale it with evident Cl We Sorin oon manne wre 1m vee 0/2 AnUAl Carnival : CHAPTER IV give this same bottle to him while PM awl The first effect of suggestions|not under the influence it would minio is, briefly, that a susceptible per- [bring tears to his eyes. There is BRONTE - TRAFALGAR FIRE BRIGADE jefe | " son will sleep when he is told to|no end to the halucinations and NO. 1 ut J: By Jim Harrison [s rips of suede with plaid wool [d0 0, and that his sleep will be [illusions which may be given to ® ere -- i | of a particular kind. In this sleep [a subject; all muscular action can The S64 question invading the | Slirts and sweaters strapping her || 8B SEL & EC BIE told |be prevented, the special senses fashion world titese days pases Wabstine in oo a breil. | 2nd Sune by sugges- ae 25 fact, al- Saturday, July 17th this query: "Where is the dress|three strips of con 2 tions. In this sleep he can be [most every sense and organic ; waistline it above, below or |liants. made to see people Who are not | function of the body may be af- BRONTE, ONTARIO at the normal waistline? When newcomer Margaret Field | present, or hear imaginary voices, | fected, And while in the state | IN le designers debate the |arrived at the studio to see the and these impressions are as real|of somnambulism, insensibility to Ton ta maith Head | preview of her new movie, "Be. to him os actual perceptions. His) pain is neatly shways present, and | MERRY-GO-ROUND -- GAMES -- PRIZES is offering a solution that puts|yond Glory," in which she makes | dreams are framed and guided by|can be increased by suggestion GRAND DRAW. the dress waistline at all three |her bid for screen recognition as an external agency, his muscles|and inhibited altogether by a few : loeations. Impossible? Not at| Ala Ladd's ex-girl friend, she|are brought into activity and con-| words from the operator. bem all Miss Head suggests the use| Wore a Simple black and white trolled by the same power. While _ Bin of cummerbunds in modern ward- robes. The idea is to wrap the waistline snugly in a wide mid- Tiff of or leather. Wrap as tightly as you wish and the re- sults include new pinched waist- lines and colorful contrasts to summer outfits. Talented Mona Freeman is in- troducing the 1948 cummerbund to Hollywood's young set. With a full black velveteen skirt and a black jersey top the actress wraps her waistline in an eye-catching jersey midriff of tourquoise blue and flashing geranium pink. . . . Gail Russell likes suede cummer- bunds for sports wear. For ex- ample, the brunette actress teams checked wool dress. Around her trim waist, the starlet tied a black suede midriff banded in scarlet. . . . Between final scenes of the Hal Wallis thriller, "The Accused," Loretta Young report- ed to the wardrobe department for fittings on her new summer evening gown. It, too, features a cummerbund. Of starched white organdy, the dress boasts mad ballerina skirt. The "bund" is of dark green velvet with cycla- men and tourquoise. Making his first appearance without the faithful Charlié Mec- Carthy, Edgar Bergen plays the "straight" role of a timid little Norwegian suitor in "I Remem- ber Mamma" RKO Radio's sparklin; dy-drama of San p 3 y iF THIS IS AND YOUR ROD NEEDS REPAIRS WE CAN HELP YOU Expert Repairs To Rods and Reels Our Specialty RON'S SPORT CYCLE Colborne St. - Phone 1368 Francisco of the early 1900's. Trene Dunn co-stars with Bar- bara Bel Geddes, Oscar Homolka and Philip Dorn in the -George Stevens' production. PEN Guest of the Weel If Mrs. Charles Johnston will present herself at the box office of the new Century Theatre any night next week, she and another guest will be admitted free as guests of The Journal. Fulfills Fervent Wish, Hears Sentence Today Final gratification of a long cherished impulse to sock an of- ficer of the law may prove expen- sive for Patricia McCarthy of Toronto, who will appear in local court today to hear the penalty. she must pay for renouncing pre vious inhibitions. Provincial Constable William Duncan told the court last Thurs- day that on June 23rd he had stopped a car' which was being driven dangerously near the Queen Elizabeth cloverleaf. Pa- tricia, a passenger bopped him vigorously twice with fier closed fist during the: ensu- ing argument, the officer stated. Patricia, a sturdy damsel who has definitely come under the in- fluence of the new look, was un- relenting when she appeared in court. "I've always wanted to sock an officer," she firmly stat- ed. SUMMERTIME IS SNAPSHOT TIME Brownie Target 620 . Brownie Target 616 Baby Brownie Special Vigilant Jr. 620 Duaflex KODAK CAMERAS KODAK FILMS UNIQUE ART STUDIOS 24-Hour Developing Service DUNN'S DRUG STORE . PHONE 650 hand-painted flowers on a dance- | &' in the car, | under its influence his faculties and senses will be under the con- trol of the operator, and he will obey any command that may be given him. Were you ever in a condition known as reverie or abstraction? Even' remarks that were address ed to you are unnoticed until, with a start, you bring yourself to- ether again. This will give you an idea of what happens when a subject is under the influence of hypnotism--the condition of the subject being the same so fai as the reception of sensory impres- sions are concerned as that of a person whose attention is absorbed or abstracted. He hears sounds and sees sights, without knowing that he sees or hears them, the directing power of the will being suspended, The capability of cor- recting the most illusory ideas, by an appeal to common sense, is for the time annihilated We are never struck with the impossibility of the events which happen to us in our dreams, but we accept them as genuine with childlike simplicity, all the won- derful combinations which are successively unfolded before our mental views. This same must be the case in any state of men- tal activity, as in hypnotism, in which there is a similar suspen- sion of voluntary control. The halucinations of sight are extremely various and interest- ing. 'The subject can be made to Scade's Groceries 114 Dundas St. HAVE TAKEN UP THE DISTRIBUTION OF Smoked and Fresh Fish Fresh Restigouche Salmon ................... 65c lb. Fresh Cohoe Salmon ....................... 58¢c Ib. Fresh Halibut. 0a vad i ti Late 34c Ib. EH ER Fr ee i Be Fe 4c Ib. EreshaWhiteREishi ti th 46¢ lb Fresh Haddock Fillets 48c lb. A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES - CIGARETTES - ICE CREAM SOFT DRINIKS MAY BE HAD AT THIS STORE fam. wes Prompt and Courteous Service WE DELIVER - - - ALL PHONE ORDERS C.0.D. pen's Uf ru nin BCs fiomes! dhe T group Ber fhe scl here. Everybody's talking about the new 5 White sidewall tires and chromo wheel trim rings optional at extra cost when available There's Nik in yous future Yes, it seems as if everybody, everywhere, is talking about the '49 Ford: "Looks like a custom-built automobile!" the car of the year!" . . . "Its really new--inside, outside, all "It's through!" But come in and see the Ford "Forty-Niner" for yourself! Let your (l eyes light up at the sight of Ford's new broader, sweeping, 1 lower-to-the-road lines. Through new 'Picture Windows", look inside and see new sofa-wide seats--new "Lounge Car" roominess--new "Flight Panel" dash--and many other pride- tickling refinements. Look under the hood and see an even finer, more capable 100 Hp. V-8 Engine that saves up to 10% on gasoline! €heck the chassis--and learn about the new "Mid Ship" Ride, new "Magic Action" Brakes, new softer springing both front and rear. No question about it, here's the new Ford of your future! Colborne Street East STIRLING - DYNES Phon: 800} HONE la

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