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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 8 Jul 1948, p. 2

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SG 'Thursday, July 8, 104 rumor in the film capital is that||(Math.); Klausen, 8. 1; 1, PED PLE Victor Mature will go back to hig| ton, K. Bij Lockett, a, A , oe and "Hunk-Of-Man" personality, play-|R. Ci; Luke, S. A. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bull and two| Miss Jean Masten and Mr. an et a oon foremo 6) Mas, daughters have motored to Win- [ Mrs. George Kirkpatrick, of Tor- oy about the Brooklyn Dodgers | Hi MacRae, BL B. (Matn,) Mae nipeg for a three-week vacation, | onto, were week-end guests of Dr. E tled, "Tie. Willy; meom! Eoate|[T2EEArt MUS) Main, wor. areas Crawford Scadding, Lakeshore bush," are trying fo get Laraine|MaY, J. Bij McCraney, p, 1, ' Ar. Jerry Peers has been ap- [highway east. Day. to play the lead. Laraines| Calum F. Jj McLeod, w, |, pointed local correspondent for i RAS husband, Leo Durocher, manager | Mercure, IL H. Morcom, 4 ;' the Globe and Mail. sera Afrs. EV, are holidaying at her Victoria Harbor. evan Mr. and Mrs. George Doty and family are spending their vaca- tion at Victoria Harbor. tare Mr. and Mrs, Irven Fell and Margaret have been spending a few days in Victoria Harbor. FEE Brown and son Don cottage in Miss Shirley Chisholm spent a few days with Miss Joan Doty at Victoria Harbor. FOREN Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ambler are spending a two-week vacation at Dorset. fxvan Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Hallet and family have gone to the Mari- times for the summer. raw Mr, Alan Mackenzie arrived in New York Tuesday by plane from Europe, where he has been on business for the last three months. FOR R. Bourne, son of Col. and Mrs, Bourne, was selected to try out for the Ontario cricket team to play in the inter-provincial matches to be held in Vancouver in August. Taree Miss Grace Hardy has returned from Ottawa, where she visited her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hardy. Fr Mrs. Wm, Hutchison is spend- ing the summer in Buckingham, Quebec. rare Mrs. E. Beatty of Kingston and her granddaughter, Miss Deedie Wethey, expect to visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. L, Wethey during July. Deedie's parents, Col. and Mrs. Harry Wethey, are still in Geneva, Switzerland. PON Mrs. Charles Querrie of Toron- to entertained recently for her niece, Shirley Mary Bell of Oak- ville, who is being married this month to Dr, John Strathearn. PE David James of Oakville was a guest at the McNab-Tonkin wed- ding in Oshawa. PEF Among the Oakvilleites attend- ing the Toronto horse show were Mrs. A. Greig, Mrs. Harry Mac- Kendrick, Miss Christine Me- Climont, Miss Beryl Jane Ogden and Mrs. Alan Mackenzie. Ceres Mrs. John Scott, Lorne Park, is the guest of Mrs, Evelyn Scott, King St. tara n Miss Pinky Reiffenstein re- turned on Tuesday from a week- Miss Nancy Chisholm returned last week from England. Taras Miss Betty Burton, spent the week-end Harvey Lightbourn, NE People and Events .. .. .. .... Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Galbraith entertained relatives and friends at their home on Sunday, July 'Toronto, with Mrs, Dundas St. braith's anticipated plane trip to Scotland on July 14th. The com- pany surprised and delighted Mrs. Galbraith with their presentation of a travelling set. Pa Mr. and Mrs. spent the week-end in Sarnia. William Shipley cere Mr. G. M. Yarnold is spending a two-week vacation in Halibur- ton. Crea ed at a children's party for her daughter, Patsy, on Saturday. |g trrwn Bob Hughes returned on Satur- day from Ottawa, where he is, two weeks' leave, RE Rosseau, works! 4th, on the occasion of Mrs. Gal-|making a film . .. angle drama with Preston Foster leaving for eous shower for at the residence of Mrs, W. R. Adamson on Monday evening. Mrs. Gladys Campbell entertain- | stationed with the air force, for(i; ponor Capt. and Mis. Hugh Calverley | i returned on Wednesday from Lake | op, By Jim Harrison Something in the nature of an experiment in film-making pro- vided Hollywood with plenty to talc about recently. Now the re- turns are in . , . the experiment Columbia Pictures tried a romantic tri- Mr, and Mrs. G. C. Gibson are away on a motor trip. FE Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Fraser are a two-week vacation in Muskoka. the principal players in the new swans wore Technicolor adventure romance, Mr. and Mrs.' R. Lee spent| Mpg Ted Adamson and Miss | "The Swordsman," was proved by the week-end in Muskoka. Mary Ad gave a a genealogical investigation. Star and William Bishop fighting for the attention of Mary Stuart. Triangles are nothing new; the experiment in this particular film, called ""Thunderhoof," rests in the fact that there are only three hu- man beings in the cast . . . Fos- ter, Bishop and Miss Stuart! Hol- lywood applause has this reporter plenty curious; we've seen it in the theatre, but now . .. a movie with only three people! It's some- thing to look forward to. That there's a wee bit of Scot- land in just about every one of Miss Jane Hall werk Mrs. Walter Adamson and Mrs. ed Adamson entertained at tea on Saturday in honor of Mrs. W. R. Adamson. Fi Mrs, Scott, King St, entertain- d at bridge on Monday evening: of Mrs. John Scott, of x= Lorne Park. oro x Miss Betty Chambres is in| iss Ruth Lyon and Ms. B. Haliburton for a two weeks' va-|Njcolle gave a miscellaneous cation; LE shower at the latter's home on Hl Sunday for Tleanor Anderson, hose marriage takes place July of the picture, coming soon to the new Century Theatre, which tells of a tender romance that hate be- tween two Scottish clans could Morgan, B. L. (Hist, gq, Nichol, R, B.; O'Brien, J. 1, rick, D. I; Peterson, M. c,. man, M. J.; of the Dodgers, is trying to talk her out of it. Leo wants his Lar- aine with him all the time while he's on tour with the Dodgers. Pat. + Poel. stead, I. E.; Rose, G. ne Everyone will feel deeply the|c B.; Savin, J. L.; Sg tragic death of Carole Landis, Who | I,| (Math, French): Sr x has always heen so popular with |M; Smith, B. M.; Snider, ¢ the public, Her work during the | Street, D. B. (Tring); 0 B; war, when she visited the various| A. D: Sutton, W. Hid theatres of war--and which evi-| Latin); Taylor, B. A.: 2 HE dently contributed to her unfor-(faylor, R. W. (Hist, Lai tunate death--showed the kind of | Thompson, M, E.; Toner, pr person she was. Turner, L. W. (Math, x ; French) Guest of the Weel Vincer, G. H.; Willmot, J, 0. If Mr. L. M. Bray will present himself at the box office of the Gregory Theatre any night next week, he and another guest will be admitted free as guests of the Journal, DEERHAVEN KENNELS (Reg'd) (B. K. Snider) A HOME for your Dog Lower School Results (continued from page 1) on, C. W.; Clarke, W. T.; Coates, M. H.; Cudmore, W, B. (French); not conquer, is Larry Parks, who ie iy 2 hil has plenty of Scotch blood inter-| "arlington, B. A. (Math.); Dor. oi with an Irish strain, | ion L. H.; Farley, J. M. (Math.); while you: are away Lovely Ellen Drew, who has the | Fleming, D. J; Ford, B. J.|JWASHING - WORMIN chief feminine role, is- of partly | (Math.); Ford, J. P. H,; Heaven, | || GROOMING - DEFLEAING Scottish descent. George Muc-|L: Cj Heilig, R. C.; Hills, B, J; CONDITIONING ready and Ray Collins, playing |Home, P. K. A; Howarth, E. B, } important supporting roles, are | (Hist, Math); Ingram, D. R.;| i UPPER MIDDLE ROAD of pure Scottish origin, During Jaffray, C. R.; Johnson, M. J.|} Oakville - Tele. 457.) the making of the film the two| (Hist); Kelly, R. A.; King, G. M. discovered that they are from the same clan of Hi s, the =, MacRays. THURS., FRI., SAT. JULY 8 - 9 - And now for some last-minute 5 round-up of Broadway and Holly- wood gossip and news . . . Latest xoxox Sir Sidney Sewell, Melbourne, Australia, was a week-end guest of Dr. and Mrs. William Ogden at their cottage here. oxox The Cameron Hillmers spent the week-end with the Alex Lil- leys at Lake Rosseau, FE Out-of-town guests at the Foerster-Phillips wedding includ- ed: Dr. and Mrs. E. Johnston, Kingston; Mrs. H. J. Hunt and Bill Hunt, Ottawa; Dr. and Mrs, W. C. Campbell and Dr. F. Par- rott, Sudbury; Ruth Gordon, Cop- per Cliff; Mrs. H. E, King, Mr. and Mrs. R. Calverley, Elsie White and Edna Oakley, all of Orillia; Margaret MacLachlan, Barrie; Mrs. M. Galvin, Hamilton; Molly McManus, Mr. and Mrs, T. Stewart, Dr. and Mrs. BE. W. Barootes, Dr. L. S, Mantner and Mrs. D. McNally, all of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pelletier and Anne Swainston, Mimico. Mrs. E. V. Brown and her son Donald, Mr, and Mrs. Laurie Chisholm, together with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mosher, La Jolla, Calif,, and Miss Margaret Markey, are end visit in Stratford. LUMBER See Us For Your Supplies ! Before you build, repair or remodel, be sure you buy the best Our all in lumber. stock in lines of Build- ers' Supplies is complete. Your Building or Re- modelling needs will he executed by only highly qualified craftsmen wlien you avail yourself of our services. . . . BLAKELOCK BROTHERS "The Home Builders" YARD RANDALL ST. -- Phone 214 -- all staying at the "Pioneer," sum- mer cottage of Mrs, Brown, at THURS. FRI., SAT. JULY 8 - 9 - 10 MONTE HALE In the Action-Packed "ALONG THE OREGON TRAIL" In Gorgeous Colour Si! ADRIAN BOOTH Victoria Harbor. FR Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan and family are spending their va- cation at Victoria Harbor. x Mr. and Mrs. and daughter Linda, spent the week-end with Mr. Skoog's parents, and Mrs. A. Skoog. wre w ot Mr. and Mrs. Edward Munro and daughter Ann, of Winnipeg, are visiting friends and relations in town. Willard Skoog of Delhi, in Oakville Mr. fren The Joe Wrights, Gloucester St., are leaving for Mugkoka for two weeks. crv Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Ross are go- ing to Montreal to watch their son, John, run in the Olympic trials. I Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Milne are away on a two-week fishing trip. Fr Mrs, George Cairns is in Guelph attending the opening of the new addition of the Ontario Veterin- ary college. FEF Robin Fraser is spending summer in Trinidad. xx A general practitioner in Tor- onto since 1909, Dr. Wilfred H. Robertson died at his Bloor St. home last week. He was a bro- ther of Mrs. Main Johnson, Front St. the PE Misses Dorothy Shelley, Elsie Shepherd and Mary Myers enter- tained at a miscellaneous shower on the lawn of the latter's home for' Miss Yvonne Cooper, Who! MON., TUES., WED. | anuLT: ENTERTAINMENT, JULY 12 - 13 - 14 COME hit which ran for seasons! will be married July 30th. WHERE IT'S COOL! BUD and LOU... loofin' The West with LAUGHTER! ts oe INTERNATIONAL De \BBOTT CH aio SR * when they tangle with *Ma(Egg and) Kettle"! MARIORIE JULY 12 - 13 - 14 and TheBishops Wife ? cpelor 878 Bo (That "Ba SAMUEL GOLDWYN'S wonderful new comedy MONTY WOOLLEY. JAMES GLEASON- GLADYS COOPER ELSA LANCHESTER AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT THE NEW THRY Smoke If You Wish in the Loges! Free Parking

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