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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 1 Jul 1948, p. 2

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THE OARVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, July 1, 194g Ars. James Hatley, Mrs. J. H. Hodge and Miss Betty Hodge en- tertained on Saturday at a tea in honor of Miss Jane Hall, who ried soon is to be ma The Appleby College graduat- ing class held a farewell dance at the Brant Inn on Friday night. Oakvillites present included Beth Wilson, Bill Banting, Margaret Cleworth, Doug McLaurin, Joan Guild, Don Green, Pinky Reiffen- stein, Earl Glover, Valerie Rob- inson and Peter Cameron Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Tooke and their daughter, Joan, attended the marriage on Saturday in Mount Dennis of their niece, Au- drey Petrie, to Stanley Brown, both of Mount Dennis, srw It is with sincere regret that cancellation of this sum- C. Laird, Swimming we announce the plans for swim cl mer," said Mrs. H, chairman Red Cross and Water Safety committee. "Owing to water polution and shore erosion no suitable place has been found." DEERHAVEN KENNELS (Reg'd) (B. K. Snider) A HOME for your Dog while you are away WASHING - WORMING GROOMING - DEFLEAING CONDITIONING UPPER MIDDLE ROAD Oakville - Tele. 457-J PEOPLE and EVENTS Tony Wells and Kenton Lam- bert left on Sunday with + x east, the Bishop Strachan school grad- uating class on Friday evening. + ve On Tuesday, Philip Parhutl, Kerr St, North, written and for his Sumner after Flying school, FO Mrs. Nan White and her sister, Mrs. R. Grief, are leaving by plane for Edinburgh, Scotland, July 1st. It is their first trip home after nearly 20 years in Canada. aon ox Ed Mudge has left for England on a husiness trip. Mr. Bric Burke left by plane from La Guardia field Friday for several months in Brazil, Mrs. Burke has returned home from New York after spending a week there with her, husband prior to his departure. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ryrie were guests at the Oliver-Laffoley wedding in Montreal on Friday. PR The 'Oakville Cricket club is playing the Ontario club on Sat- urday at Appleby College, PR Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thornton, Dr, and Mrs. Maurice Lunau,Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Herridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Stevens are attend- ing the Lions club district con- vention held in Timmins. FRIDAY, SATURDAY ANDY DEVINE - HELEN VINSON - Jerome Cowan - George Tobias KEIGHLEY « A WARNER BROS. dias Sean Play by Rihard Macauley and Jory Wald Directed by WILLIAM o JULY 2 - 3 e rst National Picture EE the Trinity College School cricket team for Bermuda, where they will be entertained by the Ber- muda boys of the school. Anne Ross, Lakeshore highway entertained at a dance for completed the flying examination private flying license at Te- instruction from Kenneth Mrs, Thomas Holiday returned home this week from hospital. sxaaw oc Mr, and Mrs. Jack Rehill, own- ers of the Beehive Lunch, are spending a 10-day vacation in Detroit and the Western United States. Cw owoe Mr. and Mrs. H, L, Hulme, Bal- sam Dr, entertained on Sunday afternoon. : aon aw lovely gardens of Bally- mena, residence of Lieutenant: Governor and Mrs, Ray Lawson, last The were thronged with guests Thursday during a reception for the delegates to the 79th annual meeting of the Canadian Medical association and their wives. Howe ow x Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lind, Wat- son participated in the wedding ceremony of the form- er's sister, Miss Gertrude Dagmar Lind, in mar- riage to Thomas Blair Seagram, of Waterloo, in St. James' church, at St. Mary's, last Saturday af- ternoon. Miss Lind was given in marriage by her brother, while Mrs, Lind was matron of honor. Hr Mrs, Hugh Calverley is staying. with Mis. Douglas Wilkes Sr. at her cottage at Rosseau while re- covering from an operation. ren Anne Berkovits and Nancy Le- froy obtained first-class standing in the first year of the Faculty of Arts at Toronto University. Exxon Miss Betty Nichols of Strat- ford spent the week-end with Miss Pinky Reiffenstein. Dunn St. cr owx Ave, who was united new members were to last y successful meeting of the ladies' section of the Oakville Bowling club, at which Mrs. William An- derson won the prize, Pr ~ Several Forty members of St. Jude's Women's Union attended their an- nual picnic, held this year al Niagara Falls, on Wednesday. Supper at the Falls ended a day of sight-seeing, races and amuse- ments. a Cera Miss Jean Milne-Home of Scot- land is spending a few days with Mrs. A. M. MacRae, Thomas St. Pi Mr. and Mrs. Eyre Davis and family are leaving for Georgian Bay for the summer. They have sold their house on Douglas Ave., and on their return will reside on the Mississauga Road until they build a new home. MON., TUES., WED. JULY 5-6-7 URVERSALIN a) with ROLAND CULVER - THOMAS GOMEZ - EXTRA! ADVENTURE - "SHADOWS OF SINISTER: NULL eet el TERNATIONAL presents IN THE RICHARD HAYDN SPRING BYINGTON SCOOP! § World's Heavyweight Shaipisonis : FIGHT PICTURES! ROUNDBY-ROUND BLOW BY BLOW! Trucks and cars carried 100 children: and 50 adults to an af- ternoon of races and frolics in a wading pool at the St. Jude's Sunday school picnic at La Salle Park on Saturday. wea Mr. and Mrs. Noel Eaton enter- tained on Saturday afternoon in honor of Col. and Mrs, Kenneth Reeve P. W. Chambres under- went an amputation operation on Monday at the Western hospital, His condition following the oper- ation was reported as being satis- factory. awa Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doty are leaving today to spend two weeks in Victoria Harbour, i Bourne, Who are leaving Oakville Jimmy Chisholm spent the | © : week-end in Collingwood. this) weet. LE x A Kinin Over 40 registered blind of Hal- ton and Peel counties were guests of the Halton Advisory hoard of the Canadian Institute for the Blind at Lady Baillie's estate on Friday afternoon. Lady Baillie was assisted in receiving by Mrs. The official opening of the Hal- ton County Health Unit was held in Milton on Saturday. ME. On July 2nd, in St. Jude's An- glican church, the marriage of The parents: of Mr, Geottrey Bide, residents of London, Eng. land, are visiting with Mr, ang Mrs, Bide for the summer. CEE Many local residents. atten the memorial band concert helg in Lakeside park, New Torgy, last. Sunday night by the cig, band of that centre. Bandy, Frank Locksley of Oakville pe featured in solo parts during yr concert, Which Was a tring | the memory of the late Ayes Whitaker and Bandsmen cpp and Baker, of New Toronto, FIRST CARGO ARRIVES SS. Bayanna, Charlotte, Ny, Elizabeth Irene Thomson, daugh- ter of Mrs. Esther Thomson, to William N, Shields, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Shields, will be solemnized by Rev. Fred Jackson. John Shields, brother of the groom, will be best man, and Mrs. John Shields will be matron of honor. Following the wedding, which will be attended only by members of the family, a recep- tion will be held at the home of the bride's mother. Bill is member of the staff of this paper and the management and all mem- to; W a fe: Eyre Davis, member of the Hal guests' present included L. Col, E. A. Baker, a member of the | executive of C.N.LB. Games were enjoyed and each person received graphed roses from the Dale Es- tate. and winners in the recent musical 2 musical program. first vessel to put in here sip harbour improvements commeng. ed, docked last week With q cq. go of Virginia coal. Constr tion company officials stated th, new. harbour will have a tum basin 350 feet by 400 feet deep within two weeks. Dredging of swampland 'at the harbour edgy between the west peir and tp, new east peir, is in progress n Ladies' Committee. Other ood, president of the C.N.IB.; basket of groceries and auto- Donald Stewart, Clarkson, stival in Milton provided the bers of the staff join in extend- ing their best wishes to the couple. Cares Miss Nancy Chisholm isi ex- pected home Wednesday from an extended trip to Great Britain and Europe, own Mr. and Mrs. Herb Merry cele- brated their wedding anniiversary. on Monday. Pr Those who entertained for Pa- tricia Anne Phillips prior to her marriage to Dr. R. A. Foerster included the Orillia Business and Professional club, Mrs. A. McKay and Doris McKay of Orillia, the Medical Centre, Sudbury; Mrs. D, McNally and Sally McNally of Toronto; Mrs, C. J. McDermott and Helen McDermott of Oakville. Tear Mr. William Hitchcox, Bond St., returned last week from service with the merchant marine in the Far Bast. fran Organized by a committee headed by Mrs. Florence Hughes, Mrs. Kate Eastwood and Mrs, Jean Morcum, the Ladies' Auxil- iary of the Canadian Legion en- joyed a Social evening Which fea- tured the Bronte variety show. Entertaining with the visiting artists was little Myra Scade, tiny local toe and tap danced. With Ken Lewis acting as M.C, the fast-moving program included numbers by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith, Mrs. M. Corbett, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Ken Lewis, Gloria Lumber and Builders Supplies To Re-Surface or Re-Model INSUL-BRIC SIDING WILL GIVE When Planning Insulation plus an Attractive Exterior -- SEE US FOR -- BUILDING PRODUCTS Charles F. Doty & Son Dundas St. - North of C.N.R. hursde for a ar Amice and at designing the varied 8 i ) t is for reproduc ition hier: Calverle) i ng at | while re Bedford cording. terests Hugh Ca land musi she had sitions. ito Oakvi fed music ithe Tor Music, W ship to tl in Mus 93, Miss dress des ed at V store, rec hs a Poy Iposals of E 1 E £ Amice Se ni Matinee Thursday at 2 p.m. THE FUNNIEST PICTURE EVER MADE ! Featurette Color Cartoon Meet Mr, Belvedere . . . Nothing quite like him ever happened to the screen The Technicolor Musical "PARIS IN THE SPRING" The LOVE STORY of a girl from the other side of town, SINCLAIR LEWIS' best-seller brings ...oryou! SPENCER TRACY and LANA TURNER together. 20. CENTURYZFOX Come Where It's Cool ! Air-Conditioned! SMOKE IF YOU WISH IN THE LOGES! THE NEW The Coolest Spot in the District ! I in -6-M's SPENCER TRACYN senses S(T] Tondorlans, LC 1 4 TOM OBAE - AR ASTOR - ALBERT DEER FREE PARKING ATETHE REAR Tims i y . Lawrence, . The Phil Jenney family have| an or times Mus, Corpenter|E PHONE 76 NIGHTS 670 - 558.W left to spend the summer in Brit-| Meo Cliff Reed 3 ish Columbia. % Z § | | THURS., FRI., SAT. JULY 1-2-3 MON., TUES., WED: ULV 5c 7 Afternc Evenir or b Church Many u: and Us ORDON Dump an lirewood, LOWEF Phe L 'Window floors CI Phone Please LOST iCakville P Lost ang Hun: IANTIQU

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