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Oakville Beaver, 29 Nov 2000, A4

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A4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday November 29, 2000 4 Vote splitting ended hope of Alliance win in Halton % B e c a u s e s o m u c h is r id in g o n y o u r t ir e s . 1 A R C T IC A L P IN ® Tim Dobson says PCs needed if Liberals to be defeated The Canadian Alliance fought the good fight last night, but suffered a knockout from too many opponents. Vote splitting between the two right parties loosened CA candidate Tim Dobson's hold on the gold. But he made significant gains for his "Can't win in Ontario" party, placing second to Liberal MP Julian Reed. Early poll result handed Reed a command ing lead and held it, a fact that seemed to stun the CA supporters who gathered at the Optimist Centre to watch the results roll in. With reality breaking hearts early, the first cheer of the evening was pretty much the last. It came when it looked as though PC leader Joe Clark may have been losing his Calgary Centre seat. As with their other hopes, it was soon dashed. Dobson trickled in to the Optimist Centre soon after the first votes, hovering unobtru sively on the fringes of the room. He gamely met with supporters, spoke to the media, and graciously conceded his sur prise at the finality of the results. "We predicted we would win in Halton Riding," said Dobson. "We didn't have enough time." Though momentum seemed strong for about 30 of the 36 day campaign, Dobson said a shift took place last week, echoing a nationr. · U lt r a - p r e m iu m w in t e r tir e · U ltra ic e t r a c tio n · 3 0 - d a y s a tis fa c tio n w a r r a n t y · M e e t s t h e R .A .C .* s n o w tr a c tio n p e r fo r m a n c e r e q u ir e m e n ts A Association of Canada Rubber Photo by Graham Paine J E N S E N T IR E 928 W inston Churchill Blvd. (JE W ROYAL WINDSOR iu* LA K E S H O R E RD i | 3 3 8 -9 9 1 9 Defeated Halton riding Canadian Alliance candidate Tim Dobson speaks to his support ers Monday night. He said if the party is to make a breakthrough, it needs to bring Progressive Conservative supporters into the fold. al shuffle towards the PCs. formance and the performance of my team," Then the battle was lost, but the war for the he said. "I'm satisfied that I did the best I right is still in its infancy. could." Talks will resume with the PCs to end the That left nothing left to do but bow to the vote splitting, said Dobson, not sounding will of the people. assured of its success. `The people have spoken in Halton and But in the meantime, the CA will resume its across Canada," Dobson told his supporters, a opposition party status. lone man in an Alliance green suit, surrounded And though there may be regrets for the by white-t-shirted campaign workers. `This country, Dobson doesn't hold any for himself. has been one hell of a campaign." "I'm very happy with my own personal per NDP, Green P arty trailed badly in Halton She said she gained confidence throughout the campaign. "I felt I was very supported by my team." Sunday, December 3rd 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. An excellent selection of limited ediuon prints will be available Have your print personalized in a gold leaf by Robert. ...Ideal fo r g ift giving! 3 H a r r n p Q & zxI I & v 3 4 9 S te e le s q A v e . M ilto n T a k e H w y * 2 5 N. t o S te e le s A v e . W . to r SOOffl t o K a r r o s G a iit r y 8 7 8 -8 1 6 1 Both the Halton NDP and Green Party candi dates believe they achieved their goals in Monday's election. NDP candidate Brenda Dolling, 56, of Burlington, said the party wanted to increase its support in the riding, provide an alternative to the Liberal, PC and Canadian Alliance parties, and increase the percentage of vote the party received. "On our three goals we were victorious," said Dolling, a retired elementary teacher. In the last federal election the NDPs garnered 4.4 per cent of the vote in Halton and she believed they had earned 4.5 per cent this time around. "I wasn't expecting to win. I was expecting to hold the Liberals accountable." She said throughout the campaign she raised issues that were not being discussed by the other candidates including child poverty and home lessness. The first-time candidate said she hasn't thought that far ahead when asked if she plans to run in the next federal election. How Halton Riding voted Julian Reed, Liberal: 28,270 Tim Dobson, Alliance: 15,664 Tom Kilmer, PC: 12,114 Brenda Dolling, NDP: 2,633 Tom Adams, Green Party: 1,019 R e g i s t e r e d v o te r s : 9 4 , 6 2 2 N u m b e r o f v o te r s : 5 9 , 7 0 0 V o te r tu r n o u t: 6 3 .0 9 % Green Party candidate Tom Adams, who was sick at home with the flu election night, was not disappointed with his last place finish. "We weren't there to win the election," said Adams, 26, of Oakville. He said there were a number of votes he didn't feel incumbent Julian Reed should have, so he ran to take those votes. He was expecting to get about 2 per cent of the vote and in the end achieved close to that, at about 1.7 per cent. "It shows a lot of hard work on behalf of vol unteers," said Adams, a risk management pro fessional in the banking industry. Adams said the party achieved its goal here "to build a strong network that can continue to work in the future." He said throughout the campaign he raised awareness of the environment issue he believes the Liberals have missed the mark on. He also discussed the need for preventative health care, infrastructure funding for GO transit and animal protection. Adams said he doesn't know yet if he will run in the next federal election. See o u r Large Selection of Ready to Finish Pine, O a k , & Birch Furniture yo us a y ... al b o u gh titju st -- -foryou7 7 . The COGECO Digital Cable TV O FF 1J P Holiday Box Special includes THE BOX! everything you - uh, they- want this year. 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