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Oakville Beaver, 19 Apr 2000, A5

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weanesasay April iy, zuuu i n c UAfw v il l c , onA v c k CRIME STOPPERS CaU 825-TIPS or 1-800-668-5151 ^EXTRAVAG ANZA (U PT O48 M O N TH S ) O) j a h Elderly targets of purse thieves Halton Regional Police in Oakville are investigating over 21 recent purse thefts. Similar thefts have occurred in Peel, Toronto and York regions. Do you know who is active in this area stealing purses? If so, give Crime Stoppers a call. While there are several methods employed to distract the victims, the method of theft includes bumping into the victim or asking a victim for assis tance. The thieves who are typically female engage the victim in conversa tion, or bump into her and then the other thief takes the purse. In most of the incidents, the victim has been elderly and is carrying a shoulder purse. The suspects tend to have the fol lowing descriptions: Female, olive complexion, late 30's, five-feet fiveinches tall weighing 130 pounds with dark brown or black hair, brown eyes, hair pulled back or straight cut below the ears. The suspects tend to speak with an eastern European accent. Anyone who carries a purse needs to be careful. Keep your purse closed and secure it well. 'jflO Original in Ford Country If you have any information that leads to an arrest in this or any other matter, you may be eligible for a cash reward. You need not give your name when you tell us your inform ation and you will remain anonymous. Crime Stoppers does not sub scribe to the tele T R IN ITY phone call dis CALVARY U N IT E D C H U R C H play feature. Call BAPTIST CHURCH 1250 McCraney SL E. 845-3152 1215 Lakeshore Rd. W. 1-800-222-T IPS (1 block W. of IVafalgar) www.trinity united.com Reverend Andrew King Director of Music: Carole Falconer 827-4157 or 825-TIPS M A U N D Y TH U RSD A Y G ood F rid a y Service (825-8477) 7:00p.m . W orship 10:00 a.m. G O O D FRID A Y 10:00 a.m . S unday Bronte "The Last Word is God' s Word" 9:30 aan. - Sunday School Creek offers E A S T E R 10:00 a.m . 10:30 a.m. - Praise & Worship Service "The Triumph of God" Message: garden plots Support, Self-Help Group for "Christ is Risen" Bereavement Available Pastor Lambert Baptist Bronte Creek Friday Morning "Concunent Children's Program & Nuisery Care Sunday School, Nursery Care, Provincial Park is Y outh D e v o tio n s RSM Family Night Ttasdav at 6:45 p.m. I B All Welcome lB m once again rent Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 730 pjn. M ing out garden ST. PAUL'S Pastor Gordon H. Phillips plots. UNITED CHURCH 1415 Trafalgar Rd. 842-0938 The garden 454 Rebecca SL 845-3427 Good Friday plots are 30-ft. x ISHk 10:00 a.m. IN V IT E S Y O U T O Combined Service at 15-ft. and will be Calvary Baptist Church E A S IE R SUNDAY W O RSH IP tilled and ready 1 0 :1 5 a m Easter Sunday for planting by 6:00 a.m. Church School Nursery Sunrise Service Victoria Day. Coffee aftef worship at Coronation Park combined service Maundy Thursday Pot Luck & Communion Rental charges 6:00p.m. 9:45 a.m. are $30 for the Good Friday Tenebrae 10:15 a.m r.» *· i Familv Bible Hour first plot and $20 M inister: Rev. Paul Crittenden I 1m m 11:00 a.m. C.D. Associate: Allison Playfair for a second or Service iiiip ib i Dir. M usic -M ichal Rozyckt "An Easter Heartwarming" each additional 6:30 p.m. ( M i i f h M U N N 'S plot. Service of Testimony & Thanks Giving UNITED CHURCH Gardeners Minister: Rev. Meg Grieve must buy a sum Director of Music: Rita Lamplugh CHARTW ELL mer season or Dundas Hwy. & 6th Line 257-8434 yearly vehicle BAPTIST CHURCH G O O D FR ID A Y 10:00 aa n . parking pass to 228 C hartw ell R oad 844-2801 Ending and Ending Again "People Who Care" gain entry into E A S T E R SUNDAY 8:00 a jn . the park to tend HOLY WEEK SERVICES Outdoor Service at the Fish s Farm MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE 1053 Bum ham thorpe Rd. E. Oakville to their plots. A Thursday, April 20,7 JO pan. 10:00 ajn.Traditional Service sum m er pass is at the Church A reflective service of hope and reconciliation $60 and a yearly Confirmation Baby < &Toddler Nursery Provided Sunday School & Nursery Provided pass is $90. The GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE passes are good ST.JOHN'S Friday; April 21,10:00 AJVI. in any of the 272 Baby & Toddler Nursery Provided UNITED CHURCH Provincial Parks EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES D unn St. & C h u rch S t 9HX) ajiu & 11:00 a jn . at 228 Chartwell Road throughout 905-845-0551 10:00 a jn . at Oakville Trafalgar High School, Ontario. 1460 Devon Road MAUNDY THURSDAY "Each year the 7 JO p jn. Communion - Lusk Hall Childcare and Learning Centre Programs provided for children up to Grade Three popularity of the GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE WUH garden rental pro KNOX FRESBYTtKIAN CHURCH gram increases. 10:00 a jn . Hospitality Hour 11:00 a jn . W orship Service Now entering the Sermon: Rev. Harry McWilliams fifth season, we EASTER SUNDAY hope to have all 6:00 a jn . SUNRISE SERVICE 70 plots filled" - Coronation Park said Senior Park M eeting: 9:00 a jn . EASTER FAMILY Clerk Joan Lee. E v e ry S u n d a y SERVICE 10:30 a.m . "People o f all Music/Drama G roup Presentation M o rn in g W o rs h ip , J u n io r C h u rc h (Nursery always provided) "Angela, Lambs, Caterpillars, ages get involved Butterflies" Meeting At: in and enjoy Co-ordinated bv Elaine Morris Heritage Glen Public School growing their 11:00 a jn . TRADITIONAL 1641 Heritage Way own flow ers or R e le v a n t, H e lp fu l, B ib le M e ss a g e s EASTER SERVICE R e fre s h in g M u sic vegetables in a Congregational "Hallelujah Chorus' F a m ily , F rie n d s a n d F u n natural setting." Sermon: Rev. Jim Me Knight L o v in g C h ild C a re a n d C la s se s M id-w eek B ible S tudies Sunday School - Nursery - Creche R e g is tr a tio n Every W ednesday evening for garden plots Rev. Jim M cK night For m ore inform ation call: E laine M orris - M inister start M ay 1st, a a Rick Rust, 847-3530 Brian L. T urnbull - Dir. o f M usic 2000. Bronte Creek M APLE GROVE Provincial Park is UNITED CHURCH WALTON UNITED located just North 248V Lakeshore Rd. VV. 827-1643 346 Maple Grove Dr. Oakville of the Q.E.W. on C o m e r o f B ronte & Lakeshore Rds. 845-5721 w M rw .v% a1tonm em orial.com Burloak Drive W alton Welcomes You to Rev. Morar Murray-Hayes (exit 109). Park EA SIER WEEKEND SERVICES "WHERE THE SPIRIT SOARS admission is AND THE HEART FINDS A HOME" M aundy Thursday, 7:30 pjn. $4/adult, $2/child A lternative W orship Experience M A UNDY TH U RSD A Y in B ronte Hall (four years old 7 :0 0 p .m . 17 years old), GOOD FRIDAY C elebration o f Com m union 8:45 9-J0 a m Pancake Breakfast $3/seniors, to a 10:00 ajn. Family Service G O O D F R ID A Y vehicle m axi EASTER SUNDAY 9 :3 0 a .m . 7:30 ajn. Bronte Pier Service rain or shine mum of $12. The Chancel C hoir Presentation 8:00 ajn. Hot Cross Buns & Muffin park is open daily Breakfast in Bronte Hall E A S T E R SU N D A Y 8 a.m. to dusk. 9:30 ajn. Larger Family Service 9 :0 0 & 1 0 :3 0 a .m . Full Sunday School & Nursery Care For more infor 11:00 aan. Traditional Service S e rv ic e s mation call (905) M essage: "H o t & Spicy" Choirs at both services Rev. G ill 827-6911 ext. 0. 0 Sunday School 20 0 0 m w s m m o w s W IN D S T A R LX 3.8L V6, POWER GROUP, UTILITY AND CONVENIENCE g r o u p , q u a d c a pta in s c h a ir s , a m / fm / cassette ALSO INTRODUCING THE 2001 SPORT TRAC AND SUPER CREW 4.0L SOHC, AUTO, CLOTH COMFORT, CONVENIENCE GROUP $ 3 4 , 9 9 2 STK# EX7605 2001 4X4 SPORT TRAK 5.4L V8, AUTO, LEATH ER, CAB STEPS $ 3 9 , 8 9 7 4X4 SUPER CREW STK# F7437 KEi N1s r St*eCIAt VfKJClf M AW SVT Proud sponsor of 280 South S erv ice Rd. (at Dorval D r.) (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 - 1 6 4 6 W W W .KENNEDYFORD.CA · Ad Disclaimer HOT LINE 845-1646, ext. 210 N O N 'D EN O M A TIO M L GREATER GRACE M IN IS T R Y Sunday Worship, Junior Church 10:15 a.m. BAPTIST U N IT E D PREBBYTERIA* KNOX P R E S B Y T E R IA N Lakeshore Rd. at Dimn St. Downtown Oakville 844-3472 Rev. Harry McWilliams A N G L IC A N Meeting at: R iver O a k s R ecreation C en tre, 2400 6th Line, Oakville *Lettmg the truth setyoufree Teething God's coventml uf k^e andgmce Mid-week service every Wednesday 8.<X)p.m 4ST. CUTHBERTS ANGLICAN CHURCH 844-6200 Maple Grove Drive (3 blocks north of Lakeshore Rd. E. ) Pastor Mario Charpentier M l 842-8705 Fri. April 21st 10:30 a.m. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES held jointly with St. John's at St. John s United Church Rev. Harry M cW illiams preaching 10:00 a.m Hot Cross Buns and a tim e o f friendsip. B R E T H R E Nl\ C H R IST S O M E T H IN G N E W U N D E R T H E S U N L. Sunday, April 23rd 9:30 a.m. FAMILY EASTER SERVICE with Full Church School Program Sunday, A pril 23 Easter Day 8:00 a jn . Traditional Eucharist with hymns 9:30 a.m . Fam ily E u ch arist Sunday, April 23rd 11:00 a.m. TRADITIONAL EASTER SERVICE Nursery and Toddler Room coverage Joint Class for rem aining Church Scnool (designed with young families in mind) 11:00 a.m . T rad itio n al C h o ral E u ch arist w ith the S enior C h o ir v v Bring yournon-perishable foodstuffs for the O akville FoodB ank. C hildrens M inistry Program&N ursery W epro vid esu p p o rt &ca rin gintim esofneed hro u g hS tep h enM in istries. W eeklyS m a ll G ro u p sfor Y o u th s& A d u lts. E very o n e W elcom e with Church School and Nursery All Welcome! 1 9 L ST. SIM O N 'S P" ANGLICAN CHURCH 1450 Litchfield Rd. 845-8351 Rev. Michael Patterson Thursday, April 20 7:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist Friday, April 21, (Good Friday) 9:15 a.m. Family Service with Holy Eucharist 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Saturday, April 22, 8:30 p.m. Great Vigil of Easter with Holy Eucharist Sunday, April 23, (Easter) 8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist 10:30 a.m. Family Service with Holy Eucharist ST . J U D E S 'A N G L IC A N C H U R C H Downtown - comer of Thomas and William Streets 844-3972 www.tap.net/~stjudes/ MAUNDY THURSDAY April 20 7:30 p.m. - Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar GOOD FRIDAY - April 21 9:15 a.m. - Children's service 11:00 a.m. - The Liturgy of the Cross EASTER EVE - Saturday, April 22 8:00 p.m. - The Great Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter E A STER DAY - A pril 23 8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 9:15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist contemporary rite Church School and Nursery at 9:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist traditional rite - procession and choral service by Senior Choir Commum'XV . P a s to r B ru x y C av ey invites you to come join us at "a church for people who aren' t into church!" G o o d F r id a y S e rv ic e 1 0 :3 0 a .m . E a s te r S u n d a y 9 :0 0 a .m . & 1 1 :0 0 a .m . Concluding the Revelation 2000 series Iroquois Ridge H igh School 1123 Glenashton Dr. at E ighth Line, Oakville W eekly sm all groups for Youth and A dults F or m ore inform ation call U O C C 's C hurch O ffice 827-3266 or visit us at www.upperoaks.orj N ursery Facilities Children & Youth Program s KNOX P R E S B Y T E R IA N S IX T E E N 1150 Dundas St., W . ( D u n d a s f t . I .in n s V a lie v P a r k R ri .1 tfSpyGjs Rev. G. Walter Read a PENTECOSTAL pentecostal ch u rc h 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship The Little Church W ith The Big W elcom e 145 (1 Rebecca Street. Oakville, (905) 827-0251 Pasior Dean Skinner TRAFALGAR PRESBYTERIAN 354 U p p e r M iddle R d. at T ra fa lg a r (E n te r from T ra fa lg a r to W h ite O ak s B lvd. E ., N. on L itchfield) Rev. F ern e Reeve HE IS RISEN 9 & 11 a.m. Easter Sunday Nursery & Children's Church to Gr. 6 "the POWER o f His Love" 842-2800 G O O D F R ID A Y "Seven Words from the Cross" E A S T E R SUNDAY 8:00 a m . & 10:00 a m . Service Church School Nursery provided n Musical/drama - 400 free seats Friday, Apr. 21 @ 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Apr. 23 @ 6:00 p.m. Nursery & Children's Church to Age. 5 A ffiliated w ith I H T he Pentecostal A ssem blies o f C a n a d a P i J 10:00 a.m. COMMUNITY CHURCH I/VMM® IN D E P E N D E N TB A PT IST G o o d F r id a y 1 0 :3 0 a j n . Communion Service together with Glen Abbey Church & Sheridan Hills Church SALVATION ARMY " A Church in Your Community- TH E SALVATION ARM Y E a s te r S u n d a y 1 0 :0 0 a j n . *Nursery & Children's Ministry* - turning theology into biography" 1 2 2 5 R e b e c c a S t. (between 3rd & 4th Lines) 8 2 7 -5 3 2 4 e lb o w s 5 9 @ y a h o o .c o m V i s it u s a t : I n t o w n g u i d e . c o m / S a lv a t io n A r m y 2435 M unn's Ave. E. (at S ix th L in e N. U p p e rM id d le Kd. (905) 257-3864 Affiliated with 1 0 :1 5 a .m . K j c r s Cn u j £ Marjorie. S tw uond£ ST.AIDAN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH 318 Queen M ary Dr. (comer of Stewart St.) JDieJ^entecfM MvGk. b»j ccr Vvmd g Sovg&htrs Easter Sunday Celebration S u n r i s e S e r v ic e 6 :0 0 a .m .- C o r o n a t i o n P a r k The Reverend Marni Nanceldvell, Rector 845-6111 Ah. fcupcrtzMrt* m . Qflfoftfe's MjI£*juc«u. CeJebrn+icms H o t C h o c o la te a n d m u f f in s S u n d ay School F o r All Ages 9:30 a.m . W orship S ervice 11:00 a.m . " H e is Risen!!!!!" m " H e is R isen ... In deed!" [ j g N o E v ening Service T h is W eek U N IT E D (Nursery &C hildrens ProgramduringM eeting) G O O D FR ID A Y 10:00 a.m . Service Holy S aturday - E aster Vigil 7:30 p.m . E A S T E R SU N D A Y 10:00 a.m . service t o OAKVILLE CHRISTIAN CENTRE 146 T rafalgar Road P a sto r Ja m e e l Ali - 842-8211 .C.C. L U T H E R A N G R A C E E V A N G E L IC A L LUTHERAN CHURCH H oly W eek S ervices A N G L I C A N CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY 141 B ronte R oad G O O D F R ID A Y -1 0 :0 0 a j n . Communion Healing Service E A S T E R SUNDAY 10:30 a m . & 6:00 p jn . Worship Sen' ices Go & Tell II The 1 Wor Vord Ministries - FCA 827-2546 G O O D FRIDAY April 21st, 10:30 a.m. LITURGY AND MEDITATION Children's Programme HOLY STATURDAY 7:30 p.m. - EASTER VIGIL HO LY E U C H A R IS T AND B A P T IS M FULL GOSPEL JESUS FIRST ASSEMBLY (OAKVILLE) FULL GOSPEL MINISTRY Sunday Service - 10:30 a.m. Address: 2400 Sixth Line River Oaks C om m unity Centre Rev. Lorrie Esguerra _________ 9(^501-9235 EASTER DAY - HOLY EURCHARIST 8:00 a.m. (1962 Rite) 9:15 a.m. (1985 Rite) 11:00 a.m. (1962 Rite) Maundy Thursday Worship April 20 - 7:30 p.m. Good Friday Worship April 21 - 2:30 p.m. Easter Vigil April 22 - 7:00 p.m. Easter Day April 23 - 10:00 a.m. 304 S p ru c e S tre et 905-845-1563

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