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Oakville Beaver, 19 Apr 2000, Golf Guide, C7

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Wednesday, April 19, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C7 FAMILY GOLF LEARNING CENTRE m m m m `Family Golf-Oakville' creates stunning upgrade for year 2000 N ew fea tu res offer customers the latest in golf-im provem ent ideas an d enjoyment. `F am ily G o lf-O a k v ille ' has adds several m ajor im prov em en ts to its g o lf learning c e n te r th a t should please local golfers. Ju st c o m p leted is carp etin g o f the m ain part o f the range, som e 18,000 square y ards, w ith astro tu rf type carpeting. It featu res contours and berm s, w ith 15 shaped target greens, a total o f 22 w hite bunkers, ab o u t o n e acre o f blue w ater, and the rest a d a rk e r green fo r fairw ay. All o f the g reens have a d ifferen t colo u red flag, and ex act laser-m easu red distances are posted at all tees, so that golfers can find out exactly how far they h it th e ir various clubs, and also on w indy d ays, w ill learn how m uch w ind affects th o se distan ces. L a rry A rm a ta g e , C P G A In stru c to r an d G eneral M an ag er says the carp etin g offers m any ad v antag es; "F irst, it looks very attrac tive; w e 've h ad a p ro b lem g ro w in g grass for a long tim e, b u t those days o f bare p atches are gone. It w ill also be m uch easier on the g o lf balls." O th er im p ro v em en ts inclu d e very large berm s aroun d the co m p lete p erim eter o f the ra n g e , w h ic h a lso lo o k s v ery p le a sin g . B enefits include n o t only beautiful ap p ear ance, but the pow erfu l m etal-h alid e lights w o n 't bo th er traffic, o r n eighbours. F am ily G o lf is also add in g hidden gro u n d -lig h tin g b ehind the new g reens on th e range, w hich w ill m ake n ig h t vision m uch better. T he C en ter also ad d ed 16 ad d itio n al grass tee p o sitio n s, w h ich w ill be the m ain area for p riv ate lessons. "T h a t frees up the com plete south tee fo r o u r M em b ers," says D irecto r o f G o lf, Jo h n C o c h ra n e . " W e'll a lso h av e y ardages th ro u g h o u t the grass tee areas as w ell." F am ily G o lf has re-co n stru cted a short 4hole g o lf course, so th at kids have a ch an ce to play on real g o lf holes. T h ey w ill have tees, b unkers, trees, b en t-g rass greens, and ponds ju s t like tho se fo u n d on a g o lf course. G olfers w ill be able to play the four holes - from 80 to 115 yards long - as part o f their fee fo r the five-acre short course, w hich is extrem ely pop u lar w ith golfers. T he five-acre layout featu res five contoured greens that recreate every kind o f shot found from 50 yards and in. It has a large bunker practice area w ith three large bunkers, a pitching green, a lob w edge green, a chipping green, and a 9,000 square foot putting green. All greens are bentgrass. "It's probably the best route to low er sco res th at i t 's p o ssib le to ta k e ," says A rm atage. "T he only o th er facility like it that I know o f are the tw o D ave Pelz Schools at B oca R aton and PG A W e s t... for a fun w ay to im prove, it's first rate." T he final thing Fam ily G o lf has been w o rk in g on is a p rac tic e gam e c alle d "S hootout" , a highly effective w ay o f m aking practice - and gam e im provem ent - fun, inter esting, and effective. T he gam e stim ulates a typical 18-hole round o f golf, w ith a mix o f shots that w ill usually occur during a round. It features a scorecard that guides the golfer through a range portion - drives, fairw ay w oods, long irons, approach, length irons - all hit to the various target greens. T hen it's on to the short-gam e portion o f "S hootout" , w here you select different shot situations at each o f the fo u r greens, and m easure and score the results. T hen on to the putting portion, not only full-length putts, but for four-footers as w ell. Finally, Fam ily G o lf received good news in the 2nd w eek o f D ecem ber, a G o lf R ange A ssociation in N ew York C ity locates, and rates the best practice facilities. F or the third straight year, "Fam ily G olf-O akville" was selected as one o f the "Top 100 R anges in A m erica" ... the criteria is based on design ex cellen ce, com m unity outreach, com m it m ent to teaching, training, and high standards o f M anagem ent. V isit O akville Fam ily G o lf today on the Internet at w w w .fam ilygolfoakville.com or call them at (905) 842-6120. Family Golf Learning Centre has an outstanding program for people who want effective, low cost instruction. Our group instruction program is unique, and offers more than any other program we've ever seen, and here's why: when you enroll in our group program, we instruct using every method of imparting knowledge that the world's best instructors use. Our leaching process: Format: Five, 90-minute lessons (includes practice time), one per week Live instruction, highlighted with video material from the PGA of America Teaching Aids/Learning Drills: We make sure everyone in the class has "got it." Then on to the Tee-line, for individual, hands-on coaching Includes more than $70 worth of ractice balls, so that you can practice etween lessons as well E For every lesson, a complete lesson summary sheet. You take home 100 percent of your lesson An individual video analysis of your Grip, Aim, Set-up and Swing, with a written summary to help you put your practice time on the right areas We have makeups available: If you can't make a lesson, just call us and we'll tell you when you can do a makeup Also included, courtesy, etiquette, do's and don'ts, and the basic rules, avoiding s-l-o-w play, so that you won't feel any intimidation when you play. ^ Total cost, including all taxes, $160 - One of Golf's Great Bargains! One last thing: all of our instructors are friendly, and make your lessons enjoyable. We make it fun! Ideal for couples or parents and children to take together. Do You Want To Improve Your Score? Lower Your Handicap? Have More Fun on the G o lf Course? Let Family Golf Learning Centre selected "Up !J§§ 1 D un d as St (H w y . 5) Is 1 U p p er M id d le R d § > ffl-- 1 I^IN. S erv iceR d . Q ^ y y toi %mmm m % , 1 9 ft & \VW" Help You! 1516 North Service Rd. @ Upper Middle Rd. Full details at www.FamilyGolfOakville.com M I w o I h o u s a ·« < Glen Abbey Play whe re the p r o s p l a y CLXBUNC CORPORATION OPEN PUBLIC F O R T E E T IM E R E SE R V A T IO N S PLEA SE CALL: »844-1811 Spring rates in effect until May 22nd l i i u i i u in g IV u im s 2.9 % o n POOO over < !« *> m i l l s ilnXX Soo iltsilor f o r tlotrtils W h e n yo u Huy o r liv t . s e i i n v 2 0 0 0 T c i t i m s f i i u l I « ik e d e l i v e r y b e t w e e n A p r i l (l s i \ 1 tiv l i s t , 2 0 0 0 y o u w i l l r e c e iv e «m » p ie c e s e l o f M i / n n o I A o u \ S u r e ' 1i r o n s J 8 ^ > 0 l f !ltt|» wit ~ I GOLF ^ CLINICS WOMEN'S SPRING GOLF CLINICS · Maximum o f 18 students with a 6:1 student/coach ratio · Five 1 hour sessions covering rules, etiquette, fu ll swing fundamentals, putting, bunker and practice skills S ta r ts A p ril 2 4 th · R egistration Fee $1 25 + g s t ~ --V M ^ U R A £*2 c H A u c ;n CO-ED GOLF C LIN IC S · Maximum o f 18 students with a 6:1 student/coach ratio · Five 1 hour sessions o f instruction fo r men and women · Covers fu ll swing fundamentals, rules o f g o lf as well as chipping, / putting and bunker play S ta r ts A p ril 2 5 th · R egistration Fee * 125, f GST For children 7-18 years o f age · M aximum 6:1 student/coach ratio Five 1 hour sessions covering fu ll swing fundamentals, putting, pitching, safety etiquette and rules o f g o lf S ta r ts A p ril 2 2 n d · R egistration Fee S1 23 + g s t DURING THE UPCOMING 2 0 0 0 GOLF SEASON WE ALSO HAVE: I rAfr I ,, /T r T _ . · One Day G olf Schools · Corporate Schools and Clinics · Private lessons, Women' s, CO-ED, M en' s and Junior Clinics run all season, starting April 22nd · Our aim is to improve your g o lf game 844-1902 TEACHING PROFESSIONALS TO M JAC K SO N , Director o f Instruction Tom Falletta · Peter Oliphant · Rich Storey · Sean Foley AND | R E G ISTE R TODAY! E R Y & GRILL SPRING FEVER Enjoy every minute o f Spring when you come to the G A L L BISTRO a t C le n A b b e y Gallery Bistro & Grill Join us fo r our award winning Sunday Brunch, exceptional view and friendly service. We are now open fo r breakfast, lunch and dinner seven days a week. FOR RESERVATIONS PLEASE CALL

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