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Oakville Beaver, 16 Feb 2000, B5

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W ednesday, February 16, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B5 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Local gallery accepted into prestigious association Abbozzo is the only Oakville gallery to become a member ofPADAC A P h o to by P e ter C. M cC usker Ineke Z igrossi, ow ner o f A bbozzo Gallery, is pleased that her gallery has been accepted into the Professional Art D ealers A ssociation o f C anada (PA D A C ). A bbozzo is one o f only 71 com m ercial art galleries across C anada that have successfully m et the strict m em bership requirem ents. A ccording to PA DA C 's executive director, it represents som e o f the top galleries in the country that, in turn, represent som e o f the best and m ost renowned artists in Canada. "It's quite a stringent process," said Z igrossi, w ho will have been in SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER business fo r seven years this spring. D espite that, A bbozzo w as accept bbozzo G allery recently ed on the first application. joined ranks with som e of "It has been one o f m y objectives the top galleries in the since we opened," said Z igrossi. "It country after being accept m eans a big deal in the art co m m u n i ed into the Professional A rt D ealers ty not only to the collectors but to our A ssociation o f Canada. artists as w ell." A bbozzo is the first gallery in Zigrossi said the artists benefit O akville, and the first gallery w est o f because they can say they are rep re Toronto, to becom e a member. sented by a PADAC dealer, w hile Ineke Zigrossi, ow ner o f the art custom ers benefit by gaining access gallery on Lakeshore R oad, explained to a netw ork o f dealer galleries across that becom ing a m em ber o f the Pro Canada. fessional Art D ealers A ssociation o f T he art available in A bbozzo, C anada (PA D AC) is not easy. In fact w hich is an uncluttered, elegant space only 71 com m ercial art galleries adorned w ith paintings that explode across C anada have successfully met w ith colour, com es from m id-career the strict m em bership requirem ents. artists w ho have show n in other gal "It is a real coup for us," said leries and have a catalogue o f their Zigrossi. "I w as so excited w hen I work. heard." "M ost o f our artists have som e To becom e a m em ber o f PADAC, kind o f a record," said Zigrossi. a national non-profit organization Prices range from $50 (for an etch founded in 1966, Tanya Babalow, ing) to $50,000, and A bbozzo (Italian executive director o f PADAC, said a for "sketch" ) will provide financing gallery m ust undergo a'rigorous for the art w ork as w ell as arrange a application process. paym ent plan suitable for the client. "N ot all galleries are accepted on It also sends pieces out on approval. the first go," said Babalow. In addition, the gallery offers a T he result, according to Babalow, fram ing service, using high quality is that PADAC represents som e o f the fram es, and will go into clien ts' top galleries in the country that, in hom es on request and re-arrange their turn, represent som e o f the best and art to show it best. m ost renow ned artists in C anada. A nd if a client becom es tired o f a To apply for m em bership a gallery piece, they will take it back and m ust have been in business for at exchange it for another work. least five years, have letters o f rec A ccording to Z igrossi, w ho began om m endation from existing m em bers, collecting artw ork long before she a record o f exhibitions, a history o f opened the gallery, it is a m yth that good standing w ith the artists and be financially stable. (See 'Eager" on page B4) By Sandra Omand H ere's a com forting thought: T h i s D a t u r d a y a n dS t i n d a J r T h i s S a t u r d a y a n d b u n d a y , all S e a ly sleep sets are o n sale. S e a ly sleep sets o f f e r q u ality , c o m f o r t a n d u n p a r a lle le d s u p p o rt. P lu s, i t 's lik e th e re 's N O G S T A D D E D ' u se y o u r S e a r s C a r d a n d d o n 't pay f o r o n e fu ll y ear o n all sleep sets. Sale prices end Sunday, February 20, 2000. Some items may have been on sale during the past week. b to re Hours: M on-Fri. 10:00am -9:00pm b at. 10:00am - 6 :00pm S un. 1 2 :00pm -5:00pm 3 0 5 0 Vega Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario M is s is s a u g a Sears furniture & appliance store L A IR D D R f u r n it u r e a p p lia n c e s sto re vkoIe^^^KoMe. C ^ S E lg C a n a d a * large st le le c tio n o f m a jo r a p p lia n c e * c o o r d in a te d fu r n itu r e DUNDAS ST W (H W Y . 5) QEW (905) 8 2 0 -6 8 0 1 V is it o u r w e b s ite a t w w w .s e a rs .c a * `lt's like there's NO GST ADDED' offer: Sears will deduct from the item price the same dollar amount as the GST you will pay. GST equivalent reduction does not apply to purchases made under tax-exempt status. Offer does not apply to deferral fees, maintenance agreements, delivery or Installation charges. Offer in effect Saturday, February 19 and Sunday. February 20,2000. " `Don't Pay' offer: Don't pay until February 2001, on approved credit, with your Sears Card. Minimum $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. Offer ends Sunday, March 5.2000. Ask for details. Both offers: Apply to sleep sets in Sears Furniture, Furniture & Appliances and Furniture, Appliances & Home Improvement Stores. Exclude Catalogue purchases. Copyright 2000. Sears Canada Inc.

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