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Oakville Beaver, 31 Jul 2002, A07

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y July 31, 2002 - A 7 Holiday garbage schedule It's the August Civic holiday week end coming up. And that means that garbage collec tion schedules will once again be dis rupted. Due to the long holiday weekend, waste collection on the week of Aug. 5 will take place the day after the regular collection day. In Oakville, that means that Tuesday collection will be made on Wednesday while Friday collection will be on Saturday. For information call Halton Region at 905-825-6000. OAKVILLE G > C O U N C IL & S TA N D IN G C O M M IT T E E M E E T IN G S Tuesday, August 6, 2002 Wednesday, August 7, 2002 Community Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Trafalgar Room Monday, August 12, 2002 Planning & Development Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2002 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. C o u n c il & C o m m itte e T o u c h to n e P h o n e L i n e 905. 815. 5959 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE QUOTATION NUMBER Q-28-2002 QUOTATION FOR ONE (1) NEW TR U C K -M O U N TE D CRASH ATTEN UA TO R (TM A) / M OBILE P R O TECTIO N SYSTEM (MPS) S E A L E D Q U O T A T IO N S on form s provided will be received by the P urchasing D epartm ent, 1 2 2 5 T rafalg ar R oad, O akville, O ntario, L6J 5A 6, until 12:00 n o o n , lo c a l tim e on: M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 19, 2 0 0 2 Specifications, quotation form s and quotation envelopes m ay be obtained from the Town of O akville Purchasing D epartm ent, 1 2 2 5 Trafalgar Road, O akville, O ntario L6J 5A 6; Telephone (9 0 5 ) 3 3 8 -4 1 9 7 . Barrie Erskine · O akville B ea ver M A N D A T O R Y P R E -B ID S IT E V IS IT Two pre-bid m eetings for potential bidders will be held at the Town's C entral O perations Depot, 1140 South S ervice R oad, O akville as follows: T u e sd ay , A u g u s t 6 , 2 0 0 2 a t 1 0 :0 0 a .m . W e d n e s d a y , A u g u s t 7, 2 0 0 2 a t 1 0 :0 0 a .m . or GOOD LUCK CUJO!: D eparting T oronto M ap le L eafs go a lten d er C urtis Joseph, w ho will suit up with the Stanley Cup cham pion Detroit Red W ings in Septem ber, certainly rem ains a hit with O akville hockey fans. W hile the Pope w as draw ing thousands o f pilgrim s to Toronto for a Sunday m ass, C ujo w as successful in draw ing his ow n legion o f adoring fans to the C anadian Tire Store on D undas Street and Trafalgar Road. T he autograph session w as arranged by store ow ner M ark Healy, a friend o f the Joseph fam ily, w ho estim ated a turnout o f m ore than 2,000 fans, stretch in g w ell o u tsid e the fron t en tran ce. U n fortu nately, althou gh C ujo stayed lo n g er than h is 90m inute session, a couple o f hundred at the back o f the line had to be turned away. Cujo had to go and w atch his son in a three-on-three h ock ey to u rn a m en t. T he event raised m ore than $1,200 for C ujo's K ids at the H o sp ita l for Sick C hildren. Top, left, the line-up to see the out-going M aple L eaf stretched w ell o u tsid e the fron t en tran ce. N ine-year-old A kash Bansal got a lit tle help from his dad Praveen in his bid to get a good photo o f Cujo. Left, the popular player talks with som e adm irers. T h e purpose of the m eetings is to review the chassis's proposed for this installation. Potential bidders are required to attend and register. F A IL U R E T O A T T E N D A N D R E G IS T E R A T O N E O F T H E S IT E V IS IT S W IL L R E N D E R A N Y B ID S U B M IS S IO N S IN F O R M A L . IN F O R M A L B ID S W IL L N O T B E C O N S ID E R E D F O R A W A R D . T h e Town of O akville reserves the right to reject any or all quotations and the highest or lowest as the case m ay be will not necessarily be accepted. P urchasing S ervices Finance D epartm ent REQUEST FOR TENDER TO W N OF O A K V ILLE CONTRACT NO. R-371-02 2002 Structure Rehabilitation Program Speers Road over Sixteen Mile Creek T E N D E R D O C U M E N T S : Plans, specifications and tender form s will be available on or after Tuesday, July 30, 2002, and m ay be obtained from the Departm ent of Public Works, 1225 Trafalgar Road (Oakville Municipal Building @ corner of W hite Oaks Blvd.) for a non-refundable paym ent of FORTY dollars ($40.00), G S T included. The Contractor whose tender is accepted shall be required to post a Perform ance Bond satisfactory to the Town of Oakville, equal to 1 00 % of the Contract Price and a Labour and Material Paym ent Bond totalling 5 0 % of the contract price. PRO JECT NUM BER: R -3 7 1 -0 2 Bats are the answer to backyard mosquitoes Does your backyard become infested with mosquitoes every year? Putting up a bat house in your yard could be one of the best defens es against the invasion of m osqui toes! Bats are the only mammals that can fly and they make up one quarter of all known mammal species. A bat can eat between 3,000 to 7,000 mosquitoes in a night. That means large populations of bats are capable o f consum ing thou sands o f tons o f potentially harm ful forest and agricultural pests annual lyJoin the staff at Mountsberg Wildlife Centre and enjoy a fun-filled family night of bat watching, puppet shows, games and stories. There's information available on how to and where to build a bat house in your backyard. Annual Bat Nights are Aug. 10 and 17, 2002, from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Admission to the evening program costs $10 for adults and $7 for children aged 12 and under. Call now to register at 905-8542276, ext. 221. Advanced registration only. Mountsberg is located just south of Highway 401, between Guelph Line and Highway 6. Visit Conservation H alton's Web site at w w w .conservationhalton.on.ca for a com plete calendar o f events. OAKVILLE P R O J E C T D E S C R IP T IO N : The project includes traffic control, the removal of asphalt on the existing bridge over Sixteen M ile Creek and par tial depth on the approaches. Rehabilitation of the existing bridge deck, sidewalks, m edian and parapet walls; waterproofing and paving of the deck and paving of the approaches; concrete repairs to the precast CPCI girders; installing new expansion joints; modifications to the existing deck drains and em bedded electrical work are required. The following items are part of the Contract and the quantities are approximate. Traffic Control Temporary Pavem ent Marking The Removal of Asphalt Partial Depth Replacem ent of Curb And Gutter R eplacem ent of Sidew alk Supply and Place HL-1 Supply and Place H L-3 Adjustm ent of Catch Basins and Manholes Removal of Asphalt Pavem ent from C oncrete Surfaces Bridge Deck W aterproofing Modify Deck Drains Replace Expansion Joints Em bedded Electrical Lump Sum Lump Sum 2726 m2 50 m 575 m 2 5351 1941 2 1941 m 2 Lump Sum 2 Lump Sum Lump Sum PUBLIC LIBRARY G ot y o u r copy o f your library; The Fall edition of A D D R E S S : Sealed Tenders on forms provided willbe received by the Town Clerk, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 2L1 or by mail to P.O. Box 310, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6. C L O S IN G T IM E /D A T E : 2:00 P M , local tim e , Tuesday, A u g u st 13, 2002 7 @ your library, the Tenders will be opened publicly at a m eeting of the Tender Opening C om m ittee at the Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario on Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 2:30 PM local time. T E N D E R DEPO SIT: A certified cheque, a Bank/Trust Com pany draft or a Bid Bond for the amount specified in the tender docum ents M U S T accom pany each tender. Any questions related to this construction tender should be directed to either Mr. D.L. Lambert, CET, of the Town of Oakville at 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 , ext. 3338 or Mr. Peter Roscoe, P.Eng., of Stantec Consulting Ltd., at 9 0 5 -3 8 5 3234, ext. 237. Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all tenders and the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. D. A. Bloomer, P.Eng., Acting Director D epartm ent of Public Works 1225 T R A F A L G A R R O A D · O A K V I L L E , O N T A R I O · L6J 5A 6 (905) 845-6601 www .tow n.o akville.o n.ca Oakville Public Library's guide to programs & services, is now available. Pick up your free copy at your local library branch or look for the guide delivered to select homes in Friday's August 2nd Oakville Beaver.

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