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Oakville Beaver, 31 Jul 2002, Community Update, C03

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Contact: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com \V h I) N K S 1 )A Y . .II I y 31. 2 ( X ) 2 · Please forward announcements fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd, Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; Fax 905-337-- 5567, email blokhuis@haltonsearch.com, or call 905-845-3824 Ext. 250, BEFORE NOON Monday to be included Notices are listedfree o f charge. Hike the Laurentians with the Halton Outdoor Club on Aug 25 to 30. Climb the 3,000-ft summit of Mont Tremblant and explore hiking trails. Accommodations at Lodge de la Montagne in Mont Tremblant Resort Village. All levels of hiking from beginners to advanced trekking, shopping, and sightseeing. Cost: $555 double, $450 triple, and $400 quad, including luxury bus transportation, all hiking trips, five buffet breakfasts and two dinners. Bus leaves Burlington on Aug. 25 at 8:30 a.m., and returns Aug. 30 at about 10:30 p.m. For information, call Halton Outdoor Club at 905-634-2012. Last day for Charity Fundraiser online at www.CharitySilentAuction.com - or call 905-257-8549 by Friday to bid by phone, for 60 hand painted birdhouses done by local Oakville artists. Fundraiser for the Family Association for Residents of Oaklands Regional Rehabilitation Centre for Developmentally Challenged Adults. Funds are for extra curricular activities. See the Traveling Birdhouse Display by checking Host Sponsor/Schedule link on web site. RBC Festival of Classics presentation of Macbeth extended to Aug. 10 at Coronation Park, Theatre at the Lake, Monday to Saturday, 8 p.m. Tickets $20, call 905-8152021, or visit Bookers, 172 Lakeshore, in person cash sales only. For information, visit www.festivalofclassics.com When Angels Cry, song written and recorded by Mark Coleman, being sold for $5, with $2 from each single being donated to the Children's Aid Foundation for the Prevention of Child Abuse. Anyone wishing to order a copy can do so by e-mailing seasonstream69@hotmail.com or jhcoll23191 @hotmail.com. 28th Overseas War Brides Reunion, Sept. 13, 14 and 15, in Sudbury. Contact May Collison, 129 Patricia St., Lively, ON, P3Y 1E1, or call 705-692-3186. Register by July 31 to golf on Aug. 26 at Blue Springs G olf Club in support of Bereaved Families of Ontario-Halton/Peel. COMMUNITY UPDATE C 'i The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday July 31, 2002 - C3 SHARE THE WEALTH: Each year, funds raised at the M ay C ourt A rt and A rtisans by the Lake Show and Sale at Appleby C ollege are presented to H alton W om en's Place (H W P) and Breast C ancer Support Services (BCSS). Show n from left, Valerie C om ber presents a $5,500 cheque to C heryl Taylor, HW P; and G loria U rw in, BC SS, accepts $5,500 cheque from K aren Walker. Help the healing begin for children who've lost a parent or sibling or parents who've suffered the loss of a child. Sponsorship opportunities also available. Call 905-8130363. Third annual Terry Fox Fundraising Barbecue at ScotiaMcLeod, 700 Kerr, Aug. 15,11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Food, prizes, raf fle tickets, silent auction, bake sale, and speakers Darrell Fox, national director, Terry Fox Foundation, and Mayor Ann Mulvale. RSVP, 905-842-9000. Garlic is Great Festival, Aug. 17 and 18, at Country Heritage Park, Milton. Stinking good time - garlic sizzling in pan, tastings of garlic jellies, pickles and spreads, cooking demonstrations, garlic talks, garlic music, wagon rides, and more. For tickets, call 1888-307-3276 or visit www.garlicisgreat.ca. Dr. Vince Carbone, behavior analyst with over 25 years' experience, conducts three-day workshop, Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities - Introduction to Verbal Behavior, Oct. 28, 29 and 30 in Oakville. Cost is $400 per person if registering before Aug. 15, $425 afterwards. Call Express Yourself Speech Language and Communication Services, 905-333-9730. Speech Therapy Day Camp - Speak & Ride offers children the opportunity for a week of intensive speech-language therapy while experiencing life at a ranch (horse back riding and activities), Aug 12-16. Call 905-639-9219. Oakville Kiwanis Meals on Wheels delivers hot and frozen meals to people who require assistance with meal preparation. Individuals may request service themselves, or for a friend or relative. Call Judy or Connie at 905-842-1411 on weekdays between 9 a.m.-2 p.m. WEDNESDAY. JU L Y 31 RFA Recovery from Food Addiction, 12-step anonymous program meets in Oakville Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m., at Knox Presbyterian Church, Lakeshore Road at Dunn Street. Call Cecilia at 905-271-8531 or Bernice at 905-578-4235. Glen Abbey Toastmasters' Club wel comes guests to free fun evening. Toastmasters International helps people overcome their fear of public speaking. Every Wednesday night, 7:30-9:30 p.m., at St Volodymyr Cultural Centre, 1280 Dundas St. W. (west of Neyagawa). Visit www.glen- abbeytoastmasters.com/ Wednesday Evening Fun Runs - meet at The Running Company, 118 Thomas St., at 7 p.m. for 5K, 7K and longer course. Free. Call 905-815-1952. THURSDAY AUGUST 1 Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr St., 1 4 p.m. Cost: $20. By appointment only, call 905-815-5966. Halton A nd Peel Professional Executive Network (HAPPEN) networking support group for unemployed business pro fessionals, 8 a.m., in Mississauga. Speaker; Marion Raycheba, Choice Words International, Schmooze Power. Members $5, non-members $10. Call 905-339-0268 or www.happen.ca SATURDAY AUGUST 3 Saturday Morning Fun Runs, meet 8 a.m. at The Running Company, 118 Thomas St., 5K, 7K runs. Free. Call 905-815-1952. Bronte Group Runs/Walks leaving from Vinnie's Caf£ each Saturday morning at 8 a.m. Runners and walkers welcome. Measured Routes from 2-20K. All ages and abilities. Rain or shine. Water stops en route. Also short walk/run every Wednesday at 7 p.m. Call Greg or Joanne Saunders at 905847-1327. MONDAYAUGUST 5 Joseph Brant Day at La Salle Park, Burlington, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Parade with Burlington Teen Tour Band leaves Aldershot High School at 12:45 p.m. for La Salle Park, re-enactments by Royal Newfoundland Regiment, Sophisticated Swing Big Band. Lost Nations Dancers, palm readings, craft vendors, silent auction, museum displays, barbecue lunch. La Salle Park at 50 North Shore Blvd. W. at La Salle Park Drive. Bronte Bunch - walk for fun and fitness along Waterfront Trail every Monday. Meet at back door of Coach & Four in Bronte, walk starts 7:15 p.m. Socialization after wards. Call Sylvia at 905-827-8768. TUESDAY AUGUST 6 Employment Network drop in, 9 a.m.-noon, Women's Support Centre, Ste. 210, Hopedale Mall. Call 905-847-5520. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Sir John Colbome Centre for Seniors, Tuesdays 1 - 4 p.m. Cost: $20. By appointment only. Call 905-815-5960. Win Your Local Business the RECOGNITION it Deserves! Enter The NEBS Business Products/ Oakville Beaver 2002 LOCAL BUSINESS A Vv - a -:R ]D- S ou c a n be recognized am ong the most Special recognition and valuable prizes will be outstanding local businesses in C anada. aw arded to finalists. As well, winners will be fea Enter the NEBS Business Products/Oakville tured in the Oakville Beaver's special Awards Beaver Local Business Awards - and win recogni Issue to be published during Small Business tion in one or more of three categories: Week. r a t Y · · · Help us Choose O akville's Most Community-Involved Local Business As part o f the NEBS Business Products/O akville Beaver Local Business Awards fo r 2002, we're asking readers to vote on which business they feel is the m ost community-involved in Oakville. It's easy to vote. Ju st fill out this form and mail o r d rop o ff at the office of the Oakville Beaver. If you wish, you can also vote by email, sending your vote to montague@ haltonsearch.com . Please, only one vote per person. Who should w in ? H ere are some things you m ight consider in deciding who you wish to support: %/ Past sponsorship o f com m unity activities, such as a sports team, %/ Participation in local charitable activities, %/ Exem plary em ploym ent policies a n d practices, · / O th e r unique contributions to the community. M ost In n o va tive Local Business (Est. s in ce Jan. 1, 1999) Best Local Business W e b Site M ost C o m m u n ity -In v o lv e d Local Business It's easy to enter! Fill out the entry form below a nd send to Local Business Awards, c /o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4,by Sept. 12,2002. NEBS Business Products / The Oakville Beaver I I | NAME OF BUSINESS: I A ddress:_______________ Postal C ode: P h o n e :. N a m e of C ontact (O w n e r/M a n a g e r):. _ E jn a il: ------------ 1 2002 LOCAL BUSINESS AWARDS I I I | _________________________________ r M0ST COMMUNin¥vOLVED'LOCAL BUSINESS^ | Indicate which of tne follow ing categories you wish to enter: READER'S BALLOT My choice for the Most Community-Involved Local Business is: i I I I 1-1 Most Innovative Local Business Best Local Business W eb Site W e b S ite A d d re ss: _____________ (F o r ea ch o f the a b o ve ca te g o rie s, in c lu d e a 15 0 -w o rd le tte r sta tin g w h y y o u b e lie ve y o u r lo c a l b u s in e ss s h o u ld w in an aw ard). N o te: T h e Most C om m unity-Involved Local Business will b e d e te rm in e d in a poll of th e read ers of the IO a k v ille B eaver. Please see Reader's Ballot. E n co u ra g e y o u r c u sto m e rs a n d frie n d s to vote fo r y o u ! Address: RULES AND REGULATIONS: 1. T h e Local Business Awards Program is sponsored jointly by N E B S Business Products Limited and The O akville Beaver. All decisions on acceptance of entries and aw ard of prizes shall be at the sole discretion of N E B S and this newspaper, and all deci sions will be final. 2. D eadline for entries is Sep t. 12, 2 0 02. 3. Independent panels of judges will select w inners in the M ost Innovative Business and Best W eb Site categories. Local w inners in th ese tw o categories will advance to a regional final w here they will com pete against other local w inners from the sa m e region. 4 . W inner of the M ost Com m unity-Involved Local Business will be determ ined in a poll of the readers of the O akville Beaver. 5. Prizes, consisting of certificates, plaques, and Special Prizes including office equipm ent or other item s will be aw arded at the sole discretion of the judges. 6. Results of the Awards and nam es of winners will be published in the Oakville B eaver during Sm all Business W eek, Oct. 20 -26 , 2002 . Tel. No. Subm itted by: *Must be completed Mail or drop off at the O akville Beaver. 4 6 7 Speers Rd., O akville. I ^Ont. L6K 3 S 4 no later than 5:00 p.m ., Thursday, Sept. 12, 2 0 0 2 4

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