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Oakville Beaver, 20 Mar 2002, A7

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y M a rc h 20, 2002 - A 7 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Outgoing principal praised for making a difference At a time when budget cuts, slashed programming, and negative news in our schools is all we hear and take notice of, it leaves us to wonder just who is look ing out for the best interests o f our chil dren. We are quick to put pen to paper when we are outraged, but stay com fortably silent when things go well. This letter is to pay reverence to a principal, the kind o f principal 1 fear is a relic in our schools these days. Someone who hasn't forgotten why he chose this field in the first place. He doesn't put politics, regulations, poli cies or budget up as an excuse not to help the children under his care. He will be leaving our school come month's end. Our school's parent coun cil was required to fill out a principal placement document, upon its competi tion. it went out for feedback. As a mom who had her son in an ABA treatment program for three years prior to his entry to kindergarten and still continu ing it even now that he is in Grade 2. 1 gave serious thought to the contribution this principal has made to my son's suc cess in overcoming autism. His success at school was definitely due to both his teachers and his classroom aide who were amazing: they are truly the best of the best. They went above and beyond to leam how to teach him. how to inte grate his program so he could continu ally grow and get better. But this report was about the princi pal and I had been to enough school conference meetings with other parents, to know that the principal calls the shots. It is his lead and enthusiastic sup port that has permitted and inspired the teachers to be able to work so intensive ly with the parents. I read the document, it was a glow ing report of what he does at this school day in and day out. but because of the exposure I have had to so many other schools, it just w asn't enough. He was far more than what was portrayed in this report, what follows was my reply to the request for input. I wish every par ent were able to write this about their principal, just think of where all our special needs children could be? The response: It looks really good, but somehow it still doesn't say enough. Sure he runs a great school. Sure he works well with teachers and parents and sure we commented on how he puts the needs of the students first. But at the end of the day. he's still more than all o f what's in that document. He is a man that has changed the life outcome o f a chi Id. I know it is more than just one, but even if it is just one right now. think of the immeasurable accomplishment. This child is now independent at school. He will no longer be destined to need one-to-one support to keep him safe. He will no longer be destined to have a modified education curriculum because he can't meet the goals. He will no longer be considered eligible for a self-contained special needs classroom. He will no longer sit to the side of the classroom with an aide doing some thing different because he is unable to participate with his peers. He will no longer only have the choice o f the Special Needs Olympics if he wants to participate in sports. He will no longer be destined to live in a supported special needs institution. He will no longer be destined to rely on a government disability check to pay his rent and buy his food. He will no longer have to live with his parents until they can find a suitable housing placement for him when they are elderly. He will no longer be destined to never hold a job. never able to marry and never able to cultivate and sustain a friendship. He no longer lets anyone pick on his little sister because he doesn't know the difference. He will no longer be destined to spend his life, feeling like he is on the outside looking in. He will no longer be adult that all the medical me he would be. He no longer meets the diagnosis of autism. He will not be all of the child or doctors told criteria for a these things because of the gift this one man has given him. This paper we are sending to the school board doesn't say these things...and it should! This principal of children is Mr. Cam Fraser of Brookdale P.S. To him I say thank-you for the gift of life to a small child and for never for getting why you do what you do. and for being a hero amongst principals. CINDY FARIA (MOM) PRESIDENT AUTISM SOCIETY 0NTARI0/HALT0N CHAPTER O T r o o p e r A K V I L L E (9 0 5 ) 845-6601 NOTICE OF SURPLUS AND SALE BLOCK 23, REGISTERED PLAN 20M-801 (.30 METRE RESERVE) s a y s : D R I V E D R Y ! A m e s s a g e f r o m t h e M a y o r 's S p e c ia l C o m m itte e A g a in s t Im p a ire d D riv in g NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Zoning Amendment 333, 339 and 343 Randall Street Lot 13, Part of Lots 8 ,1 2 ,1 4 and Block 91, Plan 34 APPLICANT: Randall Street Developments File Z.1613.52 TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council for the Corporation of the Town of OakviUe at its meeting of March 4, 2002, declared certain lands surplus. These lands are described as follows: Block 23, Registered Plan 20M-801, Town of OakviUe, Regional Municipality of Halton. This notice is in compliance with the Town's By-law 1995-71. A copy of a plan showing the lands to be sold is available for inspection at the office of the Manager, Realty Services at the address shown below, by appoint ment by calling 845-6601, extension 3022 during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). 2. 3. Maynard Millman, AACI, P.App, Manager, Realty Services, Legal Department The Corporation of the Town of OakviUe 1225 Trafalgar Road, OakviUe, Ontario L6J 5A6 C o u n c il & S t a n d in g C o m m it t e e M e e t in g s Please be advised that a public information meeting will be held to discuss a proposed Zoning Amendment as submitted by the above-noted applicant This meeting will be an information meeting hosted by the Planning Services Depart ment at which time details of the application will be presented and public concerns noted. This meeting will take place on April 17,2002, commencing at 7:00 p.m. in the Trafalgar Room, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend the meeting and the subsequent meeting, which is yet to be determined, and speak to this matter are invited to do so. A summary of the subject proposal and a key map may be found below. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed zoning amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed zoning amendment is approved, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. You may direct any written submissions and/or questions to Leigh Musson at the Town'* Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, OakviUe, ON. L6J 5A6. Td: 845-6601, E x t 3371, email address: lmusson @town.oakville.on.ca. location - The subject prop erties are located on the north side of Randall Street between Reynolds Street and Allen Street and is known as 333,339 and 343 Randall Street OfTi^.i pi«n . Figure HI, Old Oakville Community East of the Creek, designates the subject land as Residen tial High Density (100 upsh) Zoning - The site is zoned R04 - Residential Detached Dwelling PropomI - An application involving a Zoning Amendment has been submitted. The proposed Zoning Amendment would allow the subject properties to be used for a 5 storey, 16 unit apartment building. Please Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at a public meeting in the future. Dated at the Town of Oakville this 20th day of March, 2002 John Ghent, Acting Director, Planning Services Department M onday, M arch 25,2002 Planning & Development Council Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. TUesday, A p ril 2,2002 Tuesday, M trc h 26,2002 Community Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Comm. 7:30 p.m. - T rafalgar Room M onday, A p ril 8,2002 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Planning & Development Council Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. C o u n c i l & C o m m itte e T o u c h t o n e P h o n e L in e 8 1 5 - 5 9 5 9 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE QUOTATION Q-6-2002: FOR TESTING & INSPECTION OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS, SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, EMERGENCY LIGHTING, FIRE HYDRANTS, EXTINGUISHERS & FIRE HOSES SEALED QUOTATIONS on forms provided wiU be received by the Purchasing Department 1225 Trafalgar Road, OakviUe, Ontario, L6J 5A6, until 12:00 noon, time on MONDAY, APRIL 8,2002 local Specifications, quotation forms and quotation envelopes may be obtained from the Town of OakviUe Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Ontario L6J 5A6; Telephone (905) 338-4197. The Town of OakviUe reserves the right to reject any or aU quotations and the highest or lowest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. RJ. Cournoyer, C.LM., PMgr. Director, Purchasing and Office Services NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING APPLICANT: OAKRIDGE HEIGHTS LIMITED F3e: Z. 1614.64 G >O A K V I L L E THIRD LINE North of Upper Middle Road to Dundas Street West (Regional Road 5) Class Environmental Assessment Study NOTICE OF SECOND PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE In order to address increasing traffic demands on Third Line, the Town of Oakville is conducting a Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Road Projects (Munici pal Class EA) study of Third Line from north of Upper Middle Road to Dundas Street West (Regional Road 5) in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Environ mental Assessment Act The Town of Oakville has retained McCormick Rankin Corporation (MRC) to cany out the study. The study findings and preliminary proposals were reviewed following the first Public Information Centre held on February 5, 2002. This review process incorporated the Town of Oakville Official Plan, accepted road design practices for Third Line within the study area, and comments received to date from the public, property owners, and various agencies. The preferred alternative to be presented at the second Public Information Centre includes the widening and reconstruction of Third O U N Q A S ST K E E TW E ST Line to four lanes plus a raised median with turning lanes at intersections as | AREA required A second Public Information Centre has been arranged to further review com ments received to date and to review the preferred alternative for Third Line. The Public Information Centre is scheduled for Your Opinion Counts The Oakville Beaver welcomes let ters from its readers. Letters will be edit ed for clarity, length, legal considera tions and grammar. In order to be pub lished. letters must contain the name, address and phone num ber o f the author. Letters should be addressed to T he E ditor, O akville B eaver, 467 Speers Road, Oakville, O n., I.6K 3S4. or via e-mail to editor@ oakvillebeaver.com. The Beaver reserves the right to refuse to publish any letter. lim n M OOLI R O A DW E ST PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 Time: 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Place: Oakville Town Hall - Trafalgar Room 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville PICK OrTHE CROP T O Y S ^ B O O K S W e h a ve E a s te r T re a s u re s t o p le a s e c h ild r e n o f a ll d a n c in g b u n n ie s w o o ly r a m s s o a p y c lu c k s & c u c ld ly la m b s a n d s illy rt~ >, E a s t e r f r o g s Y e s , fr o g s !! A n d o f c o u rs e p r e t t y E a s t e r b o o k s ... T h e re a r e lo t s o f ^ , " l i t t l e t h i n g s " a t " l i t t l e p r ic e s " ... S o hop on dow n! ages . The purpose of the second Public Information Centre is to invite public review and receive public comments about the needs and opportunities being addressed and the preferred alternative under consideration. The information centre will be an informal drop-in event where those attending will be able to discuss and provide comment about the study to the Town of Oakville and to the consultants. Anyone with an interest in the study is invited to attend and participate. With the exception of personal informa tion, all comments will be incorporated into the public record. If you cannot attend and would like to provide comments, please forward them by April 15, 2002 to either Mr. Dan Cozzi, P. Eng. Town of OakviUe Public Works Department P.O. Box 310 Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 Tel:(905) 338-4424 Fax:(905) 338-4159 Email: dcozziOtown.oakville.on.ca or Mr. Neil Ahmed, P. Eng. McCormick Rankin Corporation 2655 North Sheridan Way ^ Mississauga, Ontario L5K 2P8 Tel:(905) 823-8500 ext 241 Fax:(905)823-8503 Email: nahmed@mrc.ca FoUowing the Public Information Centre, the preferred alternative wiU be reviewed in light of comments received. It is proposed to present the study recommendations to the Com munity Services Committee in April, 2002 and file the Environmental Study Report (ESR) in early May, 2002. A notice of the ESR filing will be placed in the local papers. Please be advised that a pubUc meeting wiU be held to discuss a proposed Zoning Amendment as submitted by the above-noted applicant This meeting will be an information meeting hosted by the Planning Services Depart ment at which time details of the application wiU be presented and pubUc concerns noted. This meeting wiU take place on Thursday, April 4, 2002, commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Trafalgar Room, Town HaU, 1225 Trafalgar Road, OakviUe. Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to this matter are invited to do so. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the proposed appUcation, describ ing the land to which the proposed appUcation applies, and a key map showing the location of the land to which the proposed appUcation applies can be found below. If a person or pubUc body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed zoning amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a pubUc meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed zoning amendment is approved, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal Any questions or concerns may be addressed to David Nelson at the Town's Planning Services Department, Town of OakviUe, P.O. Box 310,1225 Trafalgar Road, OakviUe, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601, Ext 3039, email address: dnelsonOtown.oakviUe.on.es,. ---------------------[x r;;r CR O SS I-ocation - The subject lands ~J]UUW~ are located on the north side of Cornwall Road at Old MiU Road (northwest corner) and have municipal addresses of 40 Old Mill Road and 70 Old T ~ CO RN W A LL t MiU Road. -- i-- O flkal Plan - Figure h i , re Land Use, Old OakviUe Community, designates the subject land Residential High Density with a maximum density of up to 185 units per site hectare. In addition to the residential uses the Official Plan permits up to 930 m2 of Neighbourhood Shopping Centre uses and up to 2300 m2of non-retail commercial space such as offices and private recreation faciUties. 7.nnin» - The site is zoned R8, Mixed Dwellings with a Special Provision 578 under Section 89 of the Zoning By-law. This special provision provides regulations for the uses on the land including a restriction of building height to 10 storeys and a maximum of 285 residential units. The proposed building at 70 Old MiU Road is also regulated by this same special provision to permit 930 m2of Cl uses and a maximum of 2300 m2 of leaseable floor area for a health club, business and professional offices and day nursery uses. Residential uses are currently not permitted in this building. PrmtfWl * The applicant has submitted an appUcation involving a Zoning Amendment to address the foUowing points: 1. increase the total number of residential dwelling units on the lands from 292 to 356. 2. increase the maximum height for #40 Old MiU Road from 10 storeys and 35 metres to 15 storeys and 50 metres which results in an increase of 42 units for this building. 3. add residential uses and long-term stay hotel suites as permitted uses for building #70 (22 units total) 4. recognize the 3 superintendent suites previously permitted through approval by the Committee of Adjustment as part of the common element and not as part of the residential component Dated at the Town of OakviUe this 20" day of March 2002. John Ghent, Acting Director, Planning Services Department 245 LAKESHORE R O A D EAST D O W N T O W N OAKVILLE 8 44 -5 3 6 3 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD · OAKVILLE, ONTARIO · L6J 5A6

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